✯ Chapter 6 ~ Rich Spoiled Brats ✯

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You got up as your alarm goes off. Reaching for the door, you opened it and started with your daily routine.

After 30 minutes of preparing yourself, you went down the stairs. You sighed.

"He left so early again."

You even put the alarm earlier than usual, 5:00 in the morning. You're still sleepy but with Luhan in your mind, you managed to wake yourself up. But as you opened your eyes, you didn't feel his warmth.

You lead your way to the kitchen with your squeaky slippers but then you heard something. You abruptly stopped.

"Shit. Abort! Abort!"

"Fuck. Don't fucking run."

"She might hear you two!"

"Why is she up so early? I thought hyung said that she wakes up before noon?"

Whispers were heard as you turned around to the living room. Your eyes turning into slits as you reached for the umbrella near the refrigerator. You step closer to the area with the umbrella on her shoulder.

"Whoever you are, for your information, I'm blind but I'm definitely not deaf!" You told the unknown people hanging around in your living room.

"I thought being blind has the huge possibility of being deaf too?"

"Will you shut your fucking mouth, Jongdae?"

"No, I can't because it's meant to be opened."

"This little--"

"EHEM. Am I interrupting something? Are you really trespassers or thieves?" You asked cautiously, reaching for your phone on your pocket.

"Nope. Definitely not. If we were, we're probably dead by now." A deep formal voice replied as giggles on his background were heard.

"Yeah right."

"Can't help but to agree on that, hyung."

Footsteps towards you became more audible for you to hear. You instinctively stepped back.

"Don't come any closer. I'm gonna call the police!" You threatened. They chuckled, well the two younger ones did. The oldest glared at them, they stopped.

You pressed the lock of your phone, doing what Luhan told you to do.

"Okay, princess--"

"Don't call me that. Who told you to--"

"We're Luhan's friends, okay? He asked us to... Uhm.."

"Ah! Guide you today! Yes, guide you."

"Stupid reasons of a stupid person."

"Shut up. At least I've said a reasonable one."

Fortunately, you didn't hear the two younger boys' whispers. You thought about their reason.

Luhan wouldn't just let bad people in the house, right? He would do everything to make you safe. Even if his presence is not here, he will always make sure you're still safe.

You breathed in and out before speaking.

"What are your names then?"

"I'm Kris, the oldest one here but Luhan is older than me."

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