✯ Chapter 17: Incomplete ✯

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"I'm sorry I lied to you, princess." Your father apologized. You bit your lip as you gently shook your head.

"I-It's fine, appa. I know you lied because you want me to be safe. I understand." You said, trying to smile but failed to do it. Mr. Choi frowned, seeing your eyes as they form tears. You saw him looking at you and you grinned. "It's really okay, appa."

"You're like your mother." He said, caressing your hair. "Saying that it's okay but the tears forming in your eyes are betraying you."

You cried.

Why am I crying?

"Shh. This time, just this time, let it all out." Your father mumbled as he hugged you tightly. You sobbed in his arms.

It's like I've been hid from the world to see.

You're not actually mad at your father, not anyone. Instead, you felt mad at yourself.

Why do I have to forget the most important ones?

Why do I have to forget the people who cares about me?

Why do I have to be like this?

Why am I still being a burden?

"Remember the times we go jogging once a week at our old village since you were 6? Your mother didn't like letting you join for such a strenuous exercise. She really nags at me whenever you got really sweaty and tired as we get home." Mr. Choi chuckled, then sighing as he kissed your head. "Your mom really loved you ever since you were inside her womb. She knew you were gonna be a beautiful, creative, smart, sweet, and an understanding woman when you grow up. And look," He pulls away from the hug and lightly pinched your nose with a smile.

"Your mom's right. She always was."

You smiled, a genuine one this time.

"I love you and mom, appa. Thank you for taking care of me even if it's hard."

"We love you too. I'll always take care of you, my princess."

You laid down on your bed as you got in your room. Your eyes were still wandering at the new environment when you suddenly felt familiar with it.

The walls are painted light purple, white wooden floor, half-glassed brown double-doors and white ceiling with silver crystals chandelier on the center. A queen-sized bed with a light blue comforter and light colored pillows on the left side, a pastel pink velvet carpet near your bed, two white bedside tables with purple lamps, a glass desk with books neatly arranged and a lamp on top near another door, and lastly, a treasure chest beside your bed.

There's a glass sliding door on the farthest side of the room, leading you to the terrace. Curtains are hung on every window and on the glass sliding door to prevent too much sun rays from entering. There are also two more doors that leads to your own bathroom and walk-in closet.

"Appa's surely a millionaire or something." You mumbled as you observed your surroundings.

You knew he was a businessman and rich but you didn't know he got this rich. Your room before wasn't exactly like this, they must have renovated it and turned it into more modern style. You liked the interior design since you're fond of pastel colors.

"Everything's beautiful."

You sighed, closing your eyes.

"Every piece has fallen back to their right places."

You opened your eyes again, holding your hand up as if reaching for something.

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