Conspiracy Theories and Straight Up Facts

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1. I bet I have a mental issue and my mom doesn't wanna make me feel bad so she doesn't tell me. I bet that's my problem cause I can not function normally 😂 I have a suppeerrrr short attention spam so I tend to forget a lot of things for my age and sometimes I have the mindset of a 5 year old. Either way I have an issue.

2. I sometimes wonder if I'm human too😂 Like the saddest shit can happen and I just don't care. I don't feel sad or anything. But then again I rarely feel the right type of emotions for a certain event. My real emotions don't kick in for a while. That's prolly why I appear chill for everything that happens but I'm really not.

3. Anywhore, A conspiracy theory is Sarah is an agent to spy on gc. She so sneaky and shit and always lying like. My tongue is lit and she tryna say it's not.

like who wouldn't love that

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like who wouldn't love that

4. Dasha is the real spy 👀👀👀 She only answers when it's necessary and she's always just lurking. I'm watching you 👀👀

5. YouTube is straight up stalking everyone. Especially me cause I know my ass is not that basic to where YouTube could tell my whole personality. Like based on my name, zodiac sign, and birth month, YouTube suddenly knows everything about my life like bish tf?

6. K I just gotta expose this person for the fun of it cause she's like an easy target. Leslie is a straight up lurker. I swear she secretly watches everyone just to throw shade at them later on and insult them. *cough cough* Ya bully. Everyone watch out for her

K that's all the theories for tonight. Sarah_Baee Camren_is_bae dasha_3300

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