Two truths And A Lie

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I'm bored so y'all can play this. Whoever gets all 5 correct, I'll shout you out and I'll be your little bitch for a day. Meaning I actually gotta do what you tell me to do 😭😭😭 But you gotta get all them correct. No second chances after you've guessed once. So leggo.

Basically just find the two truths the lie. Pretty self-explanatory.

- I did ballet
- I was a cheerleader
- I did gymnastics

- My longest relationship was a girl
- My longest relationship was a year
- My longest relationships was with a guy

- My biggest fear is heights
- I'm allergic to pollen
- My biggest fear is death

- I'm currently dating someone
- I got cussed out by my mom today
- My hair is in cornrows rn

- Everyone I know has managed to piss me off at one point
- Gc is lame now
- I'm bilingual

- My fav person in gc is Sarah
- My fav person in gc is Leslie
- My fav person is Dasha
- Other (Open-Ended Answer)

Some of these are tricky so think wisely. And for Gabby's sake, if you win I'll also fight a fanfic about you 😂

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