2K18 Farewell

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Yeah I haven't updated since September last year. This writing stuff has gotten boring 😂 So this is the last chapter.

So it's 2018. A whole new year and whole new clean slate. 2017 was a bitch and im hella done with that year. So lemme go ahead and say what I gotta say

I'm not gonna be cliche like the rest of these people cause 9/10 if we had beef last year I'm still not gonna fuck with you this year 😂 Nothing got erased at 12 AM on January 1st. I will however be civil cause nothing is stopping from making 2018 my year.

I'm not tryna argue this year, if you're mad at me, talk to me. Honestly not fucking with fakes, been over that. And I'm tryna keep 100000% positivity this



2018 will be everyone's year. And it's the year that we finna start acting like a damn family. On Wattpad too cause we should be supporting each other. Not hating 🤷🏾‍♀️ The drama last year was silly and hella unnecessary and will not be done this year cause I love myself and my dignity. And I love y'all too 💕 Drama was hella hard in the fandoms too but I learned my lesson not to involve myself 💀💀

This will be everyone's year. I don't mind making friends this year either 😂 DM if you tryna be frans. Ps: I am super busy a lot (yes I'm making a name for myself this year) so I may not always reply fast but eventually I will.

On to the bright side....

I turn 15 this year so that's exciting. Bout to get this permit 😛

And I'm traveling.

I wrote a New Years Resolution. Not on unattainable goals but how to better improve myself each month. I have a total of 12 goals for each month.

Imma exercise. That's a promise. And eventually try out yoga. I need a peace of mind.

So yeah just catching everyone up 😘

I love everyone dearly and I enjoyed this rocky journey of this book, but it's time to close it and start another chapter of my life. Thank you Wattpad community and friends for this amazing experience.


Farewell lovelies 💕💕

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