Boot Camp

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So I went to boot camp and I saw some people from like Elementary and 6th grade. The rest I know from 7th and 8th grade, but bruh lemme just start

Boot camp does unfortunately include work but today was lit cause we got cupcakes and we played a bunch of games.

I was dead on the floor when we were playing heads up. It's basically like Charades. This nigga could be saying shovel and the screen said Snow White and he still held the phone up and said we got it right. We cheated our whole way through but at the end when we got picked to get prizes these jealous ass hoes came at us that we were cheating. Still got my prize tho. It was only a sack bag filled with candy and a subway gift card and like fun things to decorate my locker with.

But bruh I turned around and I saw this dude that I knew from 6th grade and I used to have a crush on him but that glowup was like DAMN MAH NIGGA. He went from being a little thick short and bald guy to this tall ass dude with his hair grown out and dyed at the top and slimmer. And I was like woah. I prolly looked like a creeper cause I kept looking over at him to make sure it was him. I even looked at his binder at the top to check his name and I was like holy shit.

Imma be like that the first day of school. I was a total bum this week but once I get my hair dyed and cut a little bit and straightened imma be popping. And I'm getting my nails for this shit. I WILL make my first impression here.

Then like in 6th grade there was like 5 Brianna's all spelled differently but I was friends with like 2 others and this kid everyone thought was gay because he had a high pitches voice. I don't really know if he is though. Anyways Breonna met me at our last meeting earlier in the year and imma be honest I have no clue who she was. Like people can not like talk to me or see me and come back 2 years later and expect me to remember them right away. Anyways she was saying hi and this girl knew my name and I'm here all awkward like who da hell is this. It finally clicked when the meeting was over 😂

So if I you ever walk up to me and it's been a while you gotta reintroduce yourself 😂

Then there was another Brianna. Don't know how her name is spelled I forgot. And I was walking to the cars and we made eye contact and it took us a minute to recognize each other. She has the features that you never forget. And then this girl was screaming my name and running up to me and hugging. Right outside in public. People prolly think I'm damn crazy now. So she was like it's been a while and was like checking if I was going to this school. And in my mind I'm just here like nah, I'm here for boot camp for nothing. But we parted ways cause we had to go and she was like next time she sees me she'll get my number.

Anywhore yeah those are the only people I've encountered so far that are like really old friends. Hopefully I'll see more when I start school the week after next. But I honestly just want my McNair squad. I had my own squad at every school but nothing will compare to this one.

So yah it's lit bishes. I saw some straight up FINE ASS guys tho with sexy ass voices. My straightness is kicking in 😂 I ain't tryna date them though. I ain't feel like rejecting.

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