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I'm hella bored 😭😩

Anyways I've finally found a semi squad in each class that I can tolerate. So y'all I'm set for this year.

I'm still rolling with my senior friends. Like bruh I was sleep when I bumped into the two I was closest to back to back.

I saw one of them in the hall and he was like, "Is that bestie?" (He's not gay y'all 😂) but he does that every time I see him in the hall or outside or on the bus. One day I was walking with Shae'Lah from the drill we had and he said that and she snatched me away from him and was like she's mine. Y'all I was dead and I said I told y'all so. All my best frans ain't chill with my dude. But yeah I see him a lot but that's because I be taking different paths to my classes everyday. Bruh none of them are close to each other. They're all either outside or the opposite from the class right after it. It's annoying.

But I got this chorus class with my other fran and turns out my gaydar was hella right for once and she's bisexual. Probably why we get along so well. And no I ain't tryna get with her. She's taken for one and I'm not tryna fuck with the seniors. Side note y'all can be hella annoying thinking y'all superior. Nigga no one gives af and that doesn't change my respect for y'all. Sit y'all 9ft looking ass the fuck down. But yeah I saw her in the halls and she was like "Hey there's my favorite person" and y'all I be rushing to my classes so I just said hey laughed and kept it pushing.
Yah on Friday I was about to take my usual route to the bus but she called me over. (She calls me Bri y'all, it's been a hella long time since I've been called that 😂) but yeah she called me over and took me down the seniors hall to the bus route. When the bell rang we walked down the hall screaming about at people to buy her mixtape. It was lit 😂😂 we like freshman-senior friendship goals.

And then there was this girl that sat next to me on the bus and I was too shy to like tap her cause she had headphones in. Gotta respect that headphone policy. But her music playlist consisted of Ariana, glee, and other artist in those genres. Y'all I was so hype and turnt cause I was feeling like the only one. 😭 I got her next time doe.

Y'all unfortunately I didn't make the cheer team 😭 25 of us tried out and only 3 made it but that's a hella long story. In the end my mom is putting me in gymnastics. Yay 🤗😐 At least I made a couple of friends from try outs.

The Solar Eclipse sucked ass and I was expecting a lot more. I got my hopes up for nothing. But it's aight

Hmm what else? 🤔 Yesh I still stay throwing shade. That's never gonna change 😂 It's too hard to resist like. I can't sit here and be nice forever.

Alsooooo my new book. Y'all seem to like it 🤗 Two chapters out and I got some decent views. Thank y'all for the support. Honestly 😘 I'm glad y'all love it.

Y'all I really do feel like I changed person 😭 Like I've finally balanced shit out. I occasionally speak to all of my internet friends. I ain't all up on em like the beginning of the year. I spend 75% of my free time with the fam. And I've managed to balance my academic work with all that shit. I'm also in the B.E.E club which is like a sorority for high school. I've fixed all my relationships and friendships and shit. Honestly my freshman year, I'm planning for everything to go smoothly. Fuck all this petty nonsense cause as nosy and petty as I am, that shit is tiring. And then I end up screwed cause I feel horrible in the end. I've learned my lesson 🙊🙉

Gotta stay busy blocking out the haters and the fakers. 😂😂💀 I love myself. Anyways that's all for today 😘 Thank y'all for all the support shown.

Until next time

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