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What I hate (not really cause it's funny except #4 Das true)

1. When I'm wrong but I play that off cause in my mind I'm not
2. When post ugly ass pictures of me *cough cough* Y'all know who y'all are
3. When everyone wanna call me a bully but they bully me back. Like bitch wtf wyd?
4. Anything that requires effort
5. When people try to go against me when you know I'm petty. Again bish wtf you doin

What people hate (not really cause it's funny)

1. "Bully" them
2. Be petty
3. Expose them
4. Not hear or understand what they're saying causing them to repeat it but they say nvm. That was oddly specific, wonder who it could possibly be about ☕️🐸
5. Breathe. Jk I hope y'all don't hate that😂 I make y'all lives so much better with my awesomeness
6. Basically everything I do know to mankind is wrong soooo moving on

Things I realized as a 13 year old:

1. School sucks and it requires too much effort and I'm prolly gonna fail.
2. I don't have a filter at all
3. In the awkwardest shit you'll ever meet. Takes time for me to adjust to change.
4. I actually do like the human race. Well some of it
5. My gc is filled with a bunch of bullies that have 0 chill. But I still love y'all ❤️ Even when you're difficult lil shits.

Sarah_Baee Camren_is_bae dasha_3300 YeahYeahYeah20234 derluh

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