New Orleans

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Y'all this place be lit. Like being here and being single is like heaven cause on god I just checked out a bunch of people. There were like some pedophiles but that's for later.

So today I went to the pool and I befriended a bunch of people. But there was this ONE GUY. Omg. 😭😭

He looks around 15-17 I think? But this dude looked like he could be the pinger brother to Cole and Dylan Sprouse. And they are hawt. Like I wasn't bout to flirt while my mama was there but we just kept looking at each other and smiling. He was basically a dork and I guess so was my cringey ass. He legit laughed at me all cutely and shit when I thought a penny was about to hit me and I screamed and he apologized when his brothers ran into me. Like he's playing with his 10 and under brothers. He screamed dorky and weird but hey that's my type 😂

Moving on from him there were other hot people but I wouldn't date them. They're like your hot best friend. And this other family came in but omg they were annoying as shit. They were all children who splashed everywhere. Everyone was chill except them like bruh calm the fuck down. Like one guy in there would've been hot but then he was extra as fuck and reminded me of my cousin so no.

Then like these two little girl came in and I was teaching the 6 year old some stunts and the 11 year old was basically an introvert but we bonded over cheer since she was in it.

Then these girl with plastic mermaid tails came in and swam. Now if we weren't in a total different state they would've been my new best friends because yes. I talked to them for a while but I was hungry and the pool was about to close so we got out of there. But almost everyone there was lit. Like I hope their are people like that in my school this year 😂😂

Now to the pedophiles. All of them are on Bourbon Street. My mom takes me there at night like around 10-1. Cause that's when all the bars and clubs are lit. There's even a sex place. But we go there to eat and my mom goes there to have fun and shit. It's a great place if you're looking to secondhand smoke and smell piss and shit and see a bunch of girls and guys barely dressed.

Anyways a homeless guy walked up to us and flirted with my mom and then me. Then he tried to get a fist bump and said listen to your mom kid. It was weird. Then the next night we went to this pizza place is the cashier was like can you do me favor pretty girl. I was confused but I was like ok. He said can you show your pretty smile for me. Now I wasn't mad or anything it was just my straight face but my smile was superrrrr fake. Like I felt it be that fake. And he was like you should do that more often and smiled and laughed at me. I was weirded out but that was the least of my problems 🤷🏾‍♀️

Anyways this trip was amazing but I'm ready to go back home to my own room.

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