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I'm so tired of humanity and society 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️

I still wonder why I have a Wattpad account but then I realize I have friends on here, good ass books to read, and a book in the making.

Imma just stop checking my feed and stop talking to people man 😭 It's starting to get triggering how people can be now a days and what they do be like that.

Shittttttt ✌🏾 Life is shitty and sometimes so not the worth but it's whatever man. I'm slick just waiting to get through it all.

Anyways, how was y'alls day?

I got a bae y'all 👀😘❤️ She's the love of my life and my everything yall.👀👀 we started in early in August. I'd give out her name but nahhh

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