Remember When (GC Edition)

16 3 34

Remember when...
On the day we first met we all actually talked on skype for the longest.

Remember when...
Me and Paris fake dated to prank y'all

Remember when...
Sarah got her first crush in gc

Remember when...
We were all hype and played truth or dare

Remember when...
Dasha got high that one time and we were on Skype watching her put stickers on her face

Remember when...
Leslie first joined and she did "O.o" face

Remember when...
Our gc was actually lit

Remember when...
Sarah got her 2nd crush in gc

Remember when...
We all stayed up till like 4 in the morning talking. (Except Dasha cause she cares about her sleep too much)

Remember when...
Me and Leslie pulled an all nighter in gc

Remember when...
There was drama in the gc

Remember when...
All of y'all teased me

Remember when...
Me and Leslie fake dated in for a dare (So did Sasha👀) and then we actually fr dated..for less than a week 😂💀

Remember when...
Sarah got her 3rd crush in gc
(I'm convinced Leslie's next, betta square up Sarah if that happens😂)

Remember when...
LesRah became real

Ok so maybe that didn't happen but you never know

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