Gabby Gabby Gabby and Birthdays

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I aight let's get this out the way. 08/11/17 was my cousin Jaheid's birthday. So lemme get my speech prepared:

Jaheid Alvarez 😭. 18 already. You get on my nerves but you're my cousin so I'm kinda forced to like you 😂 Kidding but happy birthday my lil Spanish.

And Gabby (my other cousin) just, we be talking bout the most deepest shit. Like it started off with relationships. Cause we have a very strong and negative opinion towards cheaters and players. I have no tolerance for that😂 yah and like just point blank period, you just can't be trusting like 85% of the people in this country to date. 🤦🏾‍♀️ We both said we wanted the total package in a person. Like leave the goods ones for us. If you tryna play, find the girl that's willing to be the side chick dawg 😭 Then I threw shade. But let's shh cause that's not surprising. Then she got into this illuminati shit with celebrities and I low key think she fuck with them. Kidding. Maybe 😂

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