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I'm not gonna crop that

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I'm not gonna crop that. Too lazy and tired.

1. Bisexual 😎 Both genders can be total assholes but still be charming.

2. I don't smoke now, but I accidentally tried it.

3. I've had a drink. Not recently though.

4. Nope. Never have.

5. Somewhere between 16-18. Sometimes 21+

6. Nah

7. Yes. I want my name in cursive on my wrist. A quote on my collarbone. My zodiac sign on my ankle. A flower tattoo on my upper back closer to my left shoulder. And the infinity sign on my ribcage.

8. Only my ear piercings

9. Yes I want my nose pierced and my my belly button.

10. My squad from school 🤷🏾‍♀️ I guess Dasha and Sarah can be counted as some. More like really good friends though.

11. Single as Pringle but I'll be wifed up any day. Hit me up y'all 😂😂

12. I like people who can rock a whole bunch of tattoos and piercings. Sex wise? I'm kinky so I enjoy A LOT. Let's just leave it at that.

13. When people are hella rood, are liars, or are cheaters. Those are deal breakers.

14. I don't really have a favorite movie but I can watch Caroline and it'll never get old.

15. If we're talking relationship wise I'll love you honestly if you're just sweet and put us first. My general I'll love you if you trust me and we have like a never breaking bond.

16. I miss my friends and classmates from 8.5. And some family I have just met.

17. I have a lot, but I'm not telling personal ones so one time my dad and mom got into fight and the cops came and my nana had to pull me out of my bed and we walked to the train station so that I didn't see it.

18. I can be really weird and attached to people.

19. That I can never keep my word and I second guess myself and don't take opportunities in front of me.

20. I love that I can genuinely care about the well beings of others even if they hate me and I love that I can sometimes learn from my mistakes.

21. My top dream is to be a singer, but if that doesn't work out, I'll be a doctor.

22. I don't know all of my siblings since none of us live together and I've never met them but my little brother and I have an amazing relationship even if he's 1.

23. I have a good relationship with my mom. I don't really know my bio dad but my other dad and I are cool.

24. Ok one thing I don't like on dates are basic dates. I don't want to go to a restaurant or movie. Like I'm the type of person where you could set up a picnic in the forest, or I'll go like to adventurous places like the arcade, bowling, go kart. Things like that. I like dates that are perfectly planned out and I do like the cliché roses and shit.

25. I hate when people play me or lie to me. Those are the biggest. Like that can emotionally scar me. And then I hate when people repeatedly poke me and call my name.

26. I'm not really crushing on anyone right now. But I'll still take being wifed up and maybe I will.

27. Oh gawd. I hate a lot of people 🤦🏾‍♀️👏🏾 And I'm really not trying have them come after me so I'll just desribe the things I dislike about them, like what they basically did to me. I strongly dislike the fact that I got lied to and that I was played. And then got treated like shit when I tried to be nothing but nice.

28. Usually when I lie it's not really for a reason, I just do. But it's probably because I'm not trying to have someone get mad at me or because I'm an attention whore.

29. All the work.

30. My last text message was my mom asking me if I had been kidnapped.

31. Any hurtful worlds will upset me. I'm a sensitive person.

32. Any compliments.

33. I haven't done 11:11 in a while but when I used to I just wished for my friends. There's a meaning behind it but I'm too lazy to type it.

34. Tattoos, piercings, being a gentleman and being sweet, being a bit weird and dorky cause that's just cute as hell.

35. I don't know yet 🤷🏾‍♀️ Somewhere close to my family but not too close where they're tryna get at me every 5 minutes.

36. I have a lot but the one I really constantly think about is not being enough.

37. When I was younger I wanted to be everything. Like Barbie 😂😂

38. Sea salt caramel. And there's the Blue Bell or something like that vanilla ice cream.

39. I wished I could be like the members of 5H. Not actually them cause they got serious issues sometimes but most time their really good and empowering females.

40. I'd like to be chilling with my friends rn.

41. I just ate a brownie.

42. Zayn, Members of 5H, Camila Mendes, Megan Fox, the woman that played Wonder Woman.

43. I'm like actually from a Spanish descent meaning my mom's like 1/8? Hispanic. Yet I still don't know Spanish but she speaks it everyday.

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