chapter 2

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Chapter 2

 “Do you guys smell that?” The now eighteen year old Nancy drew said to her two best friends Bess Marvin and George Fayann. They were just so bored of being home they decided to take a drive. “Yea but I just thought it was your oil spilling out of your car. “George said. She was the tomboy of the two the complete opposite of her cousin Bess, she was alethic, enjoyed sports, and always wore casual clothing, while her cousin loved to watch fashion shows on cable, who hated sports and who loves and I means loves to wear the latest fashions. “So you thought the oil was leaking and you didn’t tell us.” Bess said. They continued arguing about it. Nancy became annoyed and exclaimed “Guys would you stop fighting it’s not the oil geez!” they stopped immediately, “it smells like smoke.” She continued.

 “That was weird right?” George said to them. “Yea because I mean how could a house burn down itself right.” Bess agreed. “A house can’t burn down itself dummy.” As they continued fighting Nancy was zoned out thinking about how the guy, who had moved her car away from the fire, looked so familiar. “Uh…. Nancy?” George said. “Hmmm” was all she got. “You seem zoned out.” “Yea sorry about that I was just thinking about someone.” “Oh…….. A boy, give me all the dets.” Bess said putting her head between the two front chairs of Nancy’s convertible car. “How do you know it’s a …………………….wow!” George exclaimed as a car crashed into Nancy’s car!!!!!

After getting the man’s address he said one last apology and left. “Great now how are we going home the bumper will drag.” Nancy said looking down at the back of the car. “How is it that we always meet on unusual occasions?” Nancy looked up to see the male voice belonged to. It was the same guy who moved her car. “Not that I’m complaining.” the familiar boy said, “You seem to be in a jam there let me help.” he said as he took out the bumper and put it in the truck of the car. “Thanks um……..” she said realizing that she did not know his name.

“Um Ned Nickerson.” offering his hand to her. Seeing that she was not accepting it he pulled it back. No wonder he looked familiar she thought. “You’re um... Ned Nickerson” she finally said.  “Yea is there a problem” “oh my gosh Ned I can’t believe it I mean I knew you looked familiar but I would never have gest it was Ned!!” She exclaimed as she hugged him tight. “Um……. Do I know you” he finally said still in her hug. “Sorry you don’t remember me.” She stopped hugging him, “it’s me Ned, Nancy Drew.” “Wait a minute Nancy long time no see!!” he said while pulling her in to a tight hug, “you look so different much more beautiful than the last time I saw you.”

“Thanks you too ……..I mean you look even more handsome”   she said, both laughed at her mistake. While they continued their union Bess and George were confused. “Oh sorry guys this is Ned, Ned these are my best friends Bess Marvin and George Fayann.” She said when they were still looking confused she continued, “Remember I told you guys I made a new friend at a karaoke club for kids.” “Oh……. The guy you could not stop talking about.” George chuckled. Ned smiled as Nancy blushed, “yea him.” She continued talking, “Ned is there a garage anywhere near here.” Still smiling he said there was one in maplten, “you go in your car and I’ll drive in mine so that I can make sure you reach there safely.” and with that he went to his car.

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