chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“Nancy! No……..”Ned exclaimed he was so angry that he turns himself into the werewolf that he is and he ripped the bonds on his wits and angles. Wow I guess I don’t even know my own strength he thought as he broke through the door and into the hall. “Nancy where are you” then he heard a loud scream further down the hall. “Hold on Nancy I’m coming,” oh please be alive when I come, he thought. He followed the screams which made him hurt inside.

He came upon the door which he thought Nancy was in and broke thought it. The first sight he saw was Nancy who was still screaming, he was gladded that the two had left and Nancy was alone there. “Nancy!” he turned off the machine and ripped the wires off her very carefully so that he would not hurt her. He then transformed himself into his human self and he took her of the chair and placed her on the floor and pulled her close. She was unconscious. “Nancy get up please, please think of your father, your friends, family, me please Nancy I need you I,I love you you’re the most intelligent person I know, the most funny and attractive person I know, you also have the most amazing voice please don’t go.” He bends his head looking very sad and on the range of crying until Nancy regained consciousness.

“Ned?” Nancy whispered as in pain and looked up at him. “Nancy I’m so glad you’re alive and safe.” he said while pulling her into a hug. “No one can defeat Nancy drew the detective,” She said smiling and looking into his chocolate eyes, “did you really mean what you said?” “Where exactly did you hear from” he said nervously “um... The part when you said that I was intelligent.” “Oh, ok and yes now let’s go find Bess and George”


Two days later

  “I love happy endings,” Bess said, they were at the breach relaxing the titans were all dead. “Yea I still can’t believe Steven blew them up, that was amazing he killed himself to save us,” Nancy said looking guilty. “Nancy it was not your fault he choose to do it,” George reminded her. “Yea I know.” “Hey, so I guess you and Ned a together now,” Bess choired. “What makes you say that,” Nancy said looking very shy. “Because when you guys can out you look love struck and he led you his jacket to keep warm.”  “Oh well um, we’re not together and the jacket he just-”she was interrupted by her phone, “sorry guys it will be a second, hello?” “Hey it’s me Ned.” Ned told her. “Ned!” “I didn’t know you’ll be that excited to hear from me,” when she heard this she blushed, “I called to see if you were free tomorrow night.”  “Yea I am, why? “ Nancy asked. “Because I heard of a new restaurant in maplten and I was wondering if you would want to go with Me.’ he said nervously. “Sure, what time?” “Really? How about nine o’clock.” “Ok cool” “great bye” with that he hanged up.                                                                 

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