chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Ned’s pov

Oh no, oh no what did I do. I ran after Nancy with Ashley trailing behind me, God she’s annoying.

“Why are you following me!” I shouted looking over my shoulder.

“If you stop then I’ll tell you!” I stopped running.


“You can’t go after Nancy,” god this girl can’t take a hint.


“Because, this guy David, he said he wanted to get back at you for something you did by killing those who are close to you like Nancy,”

“But then I really have to go,”

“No, he sent me to steal you away from Nancy so he can get closer to her and maybe force too tell him where you live but then he told me to dump you after so you would want to go back to Nancy but then have your heart broken when you find out that was with someone else he wants you to suffer,” wow, did she even breathe?

“I don’t care I have to go find Nancy, I –I love her,” I turned and ran into the forest looking for her.


“Nancy! Nancy!” I yelled searching for her when I heard weeping coming from a rock.

“Nancy?” she looked up but started to run when she saw me. I grabbed her wrist and turned her around. She was looking at the floor so I could see her face.

“Nancy, please let’s get out of here, it’s not safe for you here,”

“I’m going nowhere with you Ned, you promised me that you won’t hurt me but you did and I trusted you, you made me feel like I’m worth nothing!” she was a mess, her eyes were puffy from crying, her clothes were ripped and her hair had twigs in it. But I still found her beautiful.

Before I could say anything a deep voice said, “Well, well, well what do we have here, Ned Nickerson, long time no see,” he came closer I figured out who it was. David.

“David Herbert, what do you want,” I guess my voice sounded scary or could be just my eyes but I swear I saw David flinch.

“Let’s see I want you to suffer and I want your little girlfriend, he came toward Nancy and took her hand in his, “Nancy, you’re looking beautiful as ever,” he kissed her hand.

“Stay away from her!” I exclaimed ass I transformed in my werewolf self and launch at him, I was now pinning him under my four paws.

“I knew it!” I jumped off him and turned back to human.

“Knew what?” I seriously didn’t know what I did to this guy.

“You, you killed my parents!” he throw a fist at me but I caught it with ease. Reflex, you know. He ripped his hand away from my grip.

“What? I never killed your parents!”

“Liar!” he pulled out a dagger and throw it at me but it stopped an inch away from my face. Nancy was using her powers to protect me even after what happened to me, turned the blade to face David then send it towards him. He ducked and the dagger went straight pass him and stabbed the tree.

“You- how did you do that?” sat on the ground in shock.

“Magic,” she said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “and no one hurts my friend,” when she said friend it felt as if I was being ripped a part by another werewolf.

“Well sorry doll face, but he has to pay,” he stood and changed into a vampire, I totally forgot that he was one that explains why we hate each other. That and because he was always accusing me of killing his parents. Nancy and I turned ourselves in werewolves and changed at him.

Now two werewolves against one vampire are not fair but the supernatural life isn’t fair. All I remember was being thrown against a tree, Nancy running towards me then blacking out. I woke up in my room at home, I was eighteen and it was my graduation at waterfall high school.

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