chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Nancy’s pov

I can’t believe I took out all my angrier on Ned and he forgave me, I guess he’s just amazing I thought, and I guess that’s why I loved him so much- wait did I just say that I loved him wow deep anyway it’s not like I would tell him that I bet he does not even like me and anyway I did promise myself I was never going to date again after what happen the last time.

“Nan, are you ok, you seem zoned out and you’re staring

at me,” Ned said interrupting my thoughts.

“Oh, is nothing.” I said, hoping he would drop it, luckily he did and he also turned on the radio and one of my songs was playing super man and I started to sing along with it:

Tall, dark and super manly

Puts papers in his briefcase and drives away

To save the world or go to work

It’s the same thing to me

He’s got his mother’s eyes, his father’s ambition

While I sang I stared at Ned.

I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him hang on every word you say

And you smile and say, “How are you?”

And I’ll say, “Just fine

I always forget to tell you I love you

I’ll love you forever

I was going to sing the chorus when Ned turned off the radio I thought he might not have liked it but he said, “Wow you have an amazing voice, you sound exactly like her.”

“Oh um well you see I exactly sang this song,” I said nervously

Ned looked at me with his big brown eyes, god I love those beautiful eyes-wait hold up girl he does not feel the same way, “really? Your n.d – wait I should have known there your initials, I’m so stupid,” he said slapping his head and turning his attention back to the road.

I laughed, “Yea, it’s kind of wield that no one knew it was me.”

“I always listened to your songs but I missed them when they said you were not going to sing again, why did you stop?”

I frowned remembering the reason

I was in the dressing room when he can in I was wearing the most inappropriate dress ever but my manger said that it fit the song I was going to sing. I was fifteen at the time and I was the number on teen pop star ever. “Hey I’m heading out of here you want to come I can drop you home I know you want to leave here.” The guy said, he seemed nice enough so I changed and left with him. But when we were about to enter the road to my home he turned the other way. “What are you doing, that was my turn.” I said. When turned to the front I realized that we entered a dark alley and- luckily I was interrupted by Ned’s voice, “nan we’re here.”

Nancy Drew: The Story Of Usजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें