chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Nancy’s pov

“Sorry for the mess guys I’m in the middle of a case so it would be a wreck,” I warned them as I opened my bedroom door.

“Whoa” they said and how could I blame them my room which was normally painted sea-green was now looking as if a kid had drawn on it, the floor had been polluted with papers and the bed was scatted with papers.

“What case are you working on,” Bess asked when we were all seated.

“Oh, it’s just a case I’m working on with Frank,” when I said Frank, Ned had a grim expression on his face but I chose not to say anything about till everyone else left because the others seem to have not seen it, “it’s about these woman who are being killed gruesomely, each day one dies.”

“So….where does Frank  fit in with this,” Ned said his name like if it was a disease, “cause for all we know maybe he’s the real killer,” by now I’m getting real tired of him being a jerk.

“Ned, just stop ok, what’s your problem!” I was really upset he’s been becoming more of a jerk every time I see him. Bess and everyone else left for home leaving Ned and I to sort our problem.

“What’s my problem, oh nothing Nancy just that you have feelings for that jerk,” was I that obvious?

“Really Ned, because I think you’re the jerk here, Ned,” we were so loud that the water nymphs could have heard us.

“Nancy are you so blind or are you just stupid!” no one calls me stupid, no one.

“I’m stupid, Ned you’re the one who hits on girls’ who don’t really care about you, you don’t even see the person who actually cares about you’re the one who’s blind!” I really meant it.

“You know what Nancy I just realized something, you’re mom never left you because she had to it’s because she wanted to get away from you!”

“Get out,” I hoped my voice didn’t sound shaky.

“Nancy I-”

“I said get out” now my voice sounded firm.

His arm brushed my shoulder when passed next to me to get to the door then he slammed it close and left my house. A tear ran down his cheek, no I’m not going to cry for something useless but then again this was a touchy subject.

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