Chapter one

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Chapter One
My manager Austin called my house phone on a boring Monday afternoon. "Yes?" I sang.
"Hey, girl, guess what." He replied.
"I've got an audition for you tomorrow at twelve PM at this place downtown. I know exactly where it is but I'm not completely sure what it's called." He paused. "How about I come and pick you up and take you there?"

I nodded as if I he could see me. "Sure, We could do that. What kind of movie is it? Do you know?"
He was quiet for a second. "No, but I do know it's a romance movie or something like that." He said. "You were requested to audition along with some other guy for the main roles so I really do think you'll get the part. I tried to see if Christopher Nolan was doing anything but it looks like he isn't."
I thought for a second. Another romance movie sounded good. I really didn't care who the other main character was going to be. All I cared about at the moment was if I would get the part or not. "Alright, Austin," I said. "I'm gonna go now. I've got to go to sleep. I've been working on this book all day."
We hung up and then I went to bed. It was only seven PM and I hadn't eaten. I didn't plan on eating anyway. I was on a diet since I was told I was gaining weight. That wasn't good for how I would look in bikini scenes or naked scenes or anything like that. Austin didn't like that I cared what anybody said. He always told me, "Shann, Who cares if you're gaining a few pounds? To me that's hot. Do you really want to look like a toothpick?" I always replied with "No, but I don't want to look like a watermelon either. And the fans care. Haven't we already talked about this, Austin?"
He didn't understand that to me, appearance was almost everything to me. I've seen celebrities get judged by weight way too many times. I didn't want it to happen to me.
As I was sleeping I had a dream. It was weird but so romantic. Surrounded by colors of black, white, and red I sat on a dock by a lake. I could hear a deep voice behind me with an Irish accent. He said softly into my ear "Stay with me."
"Who are you?" I replied.
"Wake up." He whispered.
"Who are you?" I didn't dare turn around.
"Ci-" he paused. "Wake up, Shann." He said it repeatedly.
I felt hands on me, tapping my face. I opened my eyes to see Austin leaning over me. "Wake up, Shann! We'll be late!"
I looked over at the clock. "Austin. It's nine fifteen. I have like an hour until I have to get ready." I replied.
He tilted his head. "Yeah but I'm stupid hungry and I wanted us to go out to eat before you go in." He smiled down at me. I rolled my eyes and crawled out of bed.

Sorry if this seemed to move fast. I promise I will try and slow it down a bit next chapter.


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