Out With The Old, In With The New

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The same evening, after everyone had gone home, Nagata locked up the guild and climbed the large tree outside. He sat on a branch and stared up at the sky. He spoke to himself quietly before someone kicked the tree and he jumped in surprise and fell back, off the branch of the tree and landed in a sitting position against the trunk. The person shrugged and sat close to him, gently holding his arm over her shoulder. Kaori smiled up at him, "hey."

Nagata blinked and smiled back, he felt like he hadn't seen her in years whenever he spent time with her, even if they did the same the day before or even a few hours earlier, "hey..." Kaori tilted her head and leaned back into his arm
"You nervous for tomorrow?" She asked.
"Are you kidding...I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack!"

She laughed, "You'll be fine! You're a great leader, maybe even more someday..." She shuffled lightly, looking up at him.
Nagata sighed in fustration, "but I'm too lazy for paperwork, I'm too shy to go and yell at my friends for their wrongs, I don't even know if I can control a team on a job, nevermind the guild!-"
Kaori shut him up by kissing him, "idiot...you're over thinking." She shuffled again, replacing herself closer and leaned against his chest. Using his arm as a blanket, she closed her eyes and cuddled up to him comfortably.

Nagata hadn't the slightest clue how, but he felt a lot better about the situation. He kissed her head and hugged her as she starting to fall asleep in the warmth of his arms.
"Just stay with me through it all...please..." he whispered. Kaori chuckled lightly.
"I always am..."

The two awoke apruptly to a loud, "AWWWWW!!" And the flash of a camera, "well, that might even make front page!"
"Huh?!" Nagata rubbed his eyes frantically, "hold up! You're not putting this is a freaking magazine!"
"This is personal Mage info that people can find out for themselves!" Kaori shouted, standing up.

Nagata knocked the camera off its stand and it smashed on the floor. The reporter and cameraman stormed off in a huff, "some guild master you'll be!" Nagata froze. All the fear and stress from last night flooded back in as a gulp.
Kaori look over at him, "what is it?" She asked concerned.
"N-nothing. Stupid reporters," he pouted as he complained, "can't do anything without them knowing about it!"
"Heh, idiot, I thought you liked the fame."
"I do, just not the reporters!"

They laughed, grinning at each other, they held hands and took off to the guild. When they got there, the doors were suspiciously closed. Opening them, Nagata and Kaori froze to every single guild member standing in lines, leaving a path to the stage and where Nagata's family all stood together. The S-Class and most of Nagata's friends stood closer to the stage, some even above, leaning on the banister of the stairs.

Kaori shoved him through and he stumbled inbetween the two rows. He looked over at Laxus, trying to seem confident to mask the fact he was shaking as he walked. Kaori walked behind him with a reassuring smile and Nagata reached the stage. Laxus pulled him up and stood him next to him, "okay, now we're all here. Let's begin! All guild master's must retire, and a new one must take their place, normally it'd be their eldest child, just like in this case, but sometimes they're students, apprentices, their partner. Anyway! We're here for my retirement...and to officially make Nagata, Master Nagata Dreyar of Fairy Tail!!"

A tsunami of loud cheering began and the mages upstairs and on the stairs nodded at him, clapping happily. Nagata looked back at Kaori, she took his hand and nodded too, "you can do this..."
"As long as you're here!" He pulled her hand, throwing her into the spotlight as Laxus grinned.
"I was never taught how this goes, let's hope nothing important is missed. But, we don't have a crown or a throne. Instead, Nova suggested, we use the chair." The entire guild turned eyes to Nova as she brought the chair from Laxus' office and sat it on the stage, flicking her hair back and walking off quickly. Nagata was forced into the seat and Mira shoved Kaori onto his lap. The couple turned bright red as they looked at Laxus and Mira, smiling and holding hands.

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