Not a Movie Style Girlfriend...

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The call was a shattering blow. Gabbie started gasping for breath like a fish out of water and sank to the floor, tears streaming from her eyes. Cat was numb, Gabbie's home phone still clutched tightly in her hand. Shaking, Cat pressed the phone to her ear again, regretting ever answering the phone herself.


Cat gulped and fell backwards onto the couch. "Yeah, I, um. I'm, yeah..." The words rubbed against her throat like sandpaper. She sighed and rubbed her temples. "So, I don't.. what happened, exactly?"

The doctor on the other end of the phone let out her own sigh of sadness. "Fans in my day, were never this brutal." She said, the beeping of monitors her background music. "People walking home from the pub found him and called the ambluance. He's going into surgery for his injuries in about an hour. I suggest you get down here quickly."

Cat nodded, even though there was no way the doctor could have seen her. "We'll be leaving in about ten minutes." And she hung up.

Cat felt numb, her limbs hanging off her body like leaden weights that she was burdened with. She hauled a sobbing Gabbie up onto the couch, glad she weighted nothing, and shuffled, in a haze into her and Zayn's room. In the darkness, she pulled on the first clothes she could find, which consisted of red jeans and one of Zayn's many Letterman Jackets. Zayn stirred in the bed and sat up, rubbing his eyes. 

"Cat? Babe, whats up? Who was on the phone?"

Zayn stumbled out of the bed and pulled a shaking Cat into his arms. She burrowed her head into his neck and it took only a second before she broke down into tears. Zayn kissed her forehead and rubbed her back. "Shh." He mumbled in her ear. "What happened?"

Cat gulped and pulled back, her whole body weak. "It's Harry." She whispered, her voice trembling. "He's in Hospital."

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Gabbie screamed hoarsly,  bashing her fists into the window. 

She hadn't stopped sobbing since Cat had stupidly blurted the news to her after she'd stumbled down the stairs to see who was on the phone. Now, instead of being quietly contemplative, like 95% of all heart broken Movie girlfriends, she was histerical. Screaming and crying and sobbing until she could barley talk. Cat was driving, the only one who knew the road to the hospital besides Gabbie, who was in no fit state to drive, obviously.

"Gabbie, please, I'm driving as fast as I can." Cat pleaded. She wasn't exactly worried about the car window, which was bound to crack from the bashing is was getting; she was more worried about her friend, who could do something stupid and risky now that she wasn't thinking straight.

"NOT FAST ENOUGH!" Gabbie screamed at Cat, her face screwed up in visible pain. "DRIVE FASTER!" Curling her hand around the door handle, Gabbie pushed the door open until the racing road was visible.

Cat let out a scream or panic and slammed on the breaks, giving everyone in the car whiplash. 

Niall, who was sitting between Gabbie and Liam, grabbed Gabbie's wrists and pulled her away from the window. She thrashed against him until he managed to reel her into his side and engulf her in a tight hug. She stuggled for a moment before giving up and sobbing against Niall's chest. 

Cat smiled sadly at Niall and mouthed a light thankyou as she refocused back on the road ahead of her. Now that Gabbie was calming down, the car ride was silent, except for her gasping sobs. Louis had decided to sit in the very back of the car, Liam and Niall in the back with Gabbie and Zayn riding shot gun.

Zayn had a death grip on Cat's left hand and she was glad for it. As they approuched the city, the boys let out a whistle at the city lights. Lismore was a tiny city, which was spread out over a vast area, making it appear bigger and brighter than it really was. Cat took the Cutting down past the highway, weaving in and out of the forested road. Passing the Baptist Church on her right, she yanked the car into the nearest carpark.

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