{ 23 } rice krispie treats

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{ 23 } rice krispie treats

"I bet you've never had a Rice Krispie treat as great as you're about to have right now."

Luis opens the door to the kitchen and allows me to walk in first. The kitchen has a brick interior and all the counters are a dark wood, making everything look very rustic. All the appliances are a neat stainless steel and most surfaces are covered with a light dusting of flour or icing. It's very different from the kitchen in my bakery where everything is a marble or tile. The brick interior makes it rusty but also really cosy. With miscellaneous oven mitts and kitchen trinkets lying around here and there, it gives the room something else about it that makes it feel welcome and I don't know how Luis did it.

"It doesn't matter that I can make gourmet desserts with ease. I'm still most proud of the way I prepare a treat from a recipe on the side of a cereal box."

Luis opens a cabinet and pulls out two large bags of marshmallows and sets them on the kitchen counter island next to where I'm standing. He bends down and pulls out two medium sized sauce pan from a shelf beneath the counter and places it on top of the counter as well.

"And it still looks like you haven't humbled since we first met. Arrogance is never a good quality on a man," I reply as I grab a bag of marshmallows, ripping it open to dump its contents into the pan. Luis does the same in another pot and throws out the empty bags into a hidden trash bin.

"I don't know how you can say I brag all the time. Since when was stating the facts bragging?" He grabs both pans from the counter and walks with them over to the stove. After he turned on the stove, he walks back over to the counter and positions his elbows on the surface and his hands holding his face.

"I mean, how can you say things like that and possibly think that you're being modest?" He just shrugs at me and walks around to the other side of the kitchen.

When his back is turned, I walk around the counter to the stove. I'm able to grab two marshmallows out of the pan since they haven't melted yet.

"Don't think I didn't see that!" Luis calls from the other end of the kitchen.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I reach into the pot and grab another. Luis is now staring at me with wide eyes. As I pop the marshmallow into my mouth, I smirk at him.

All Luis does is stick his tongue out at me.

"Ha, real mature," I say but I still stick my tongue out back at him.

Luis turns around again and rummages around in a pantry. He emerges with a jumbo box of Rice Krispie cereal. After placing the box on the counter, he bends down to get a baking pan.

"Who was the kid you brought in today for the cake contest?" Luis asks as he walks over to the stove to check on the melting marshmallows. He grabs a stirring spoon from the utensils hanging above him and sticks it in the pot, giving it an occasional stir.

"Oh, Anthony, who allows me to call him Tony-" Luis looks up at that and cocks an eyebrow while I give him a noncommittal shrug, "He's Jasper's baby cousin who's visiting town for a while. He really wanted to go to the cake contest but Jasper had a date."

"That's really sweet of you to take care of him."

I'm unable to read his tone so I just reply, "I think I'm sweet all the time, yeah?"

Luis scoffs as he brings the sauce pans with melted marshmallows to the counter.

"Sweet? Not the first word that comes to mind if I were to describe you," he hands me a pot so that I can start spreading the melted marshmallows across the bottom of the baking pan.

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