Chapter Two

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~Y/N P.O.V~

I wait behind for a few minutes while the teacher talks to me. She assigns me a 'buddy' to help me around school and in lessons and stuff. His name is Liam, but he says I can call him Lee. I thought it was gonna be annoying and boring at first, with someone following me around all the time, but he's really friendly and we get on well. Especially compared to other people- cough, cough, Simon...

We walk to our next class together, him asking me about W/Y/L. After we turned a corner and are nearing our Science classroom, I see Simon and his friends beating up some kid. His friends are holding the boy against lockers, while Simon punches him continuously in the stomach. I slap my hand over my mouth in shock and look over at Liam, horrified.

"Just ignore them Y/N, they do it all the time. Poor kid probably just talked to them or something," Lee states turning his head away. 

At first I feel scared to even walk past them to get to class, but then my fear turns into anger. I can't just stand there and watch some kid get beaten up, whatever he might've done.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I exclaim walking towards the four. They all turn to look at me in complete shock, even the boy they were punching. Although they all stayed in their positions.

"Y/N, just stay here. Please," Lee begs grabbing my hand. I shake him off and go and stand, blocking Simon from the boy.

"Leave, quick," I mutter to the boy, giving him a chance to escape. Simon's friends try to grab him, but he gets away too fast.

"Fuck, we lost him," the one with brown hair spits angrily. 

"I'm gonna kill you," the shortest haired one threatens, raising his fist.

"JJ, we don't hit girls," Simon reminds his friend, although the boy, JJ, looks pretty ready. "Lets just go. Come on, Josh, JJ."

They walk away, after a death glare at me from JJ. As they get further down the hall, Simon keeps looking back at me and he has a smile on his face. He seems genuinely amused by the situation.

"Well you've just become the bravest person I've ever met," Lee laughs nervously.

"Yeah, I guess they don't scare me," I admit to myself more than anyone else. I continue looking down the hall at the three boys. Every time I look at Simon, I get this weird feeling in my stomach. But I can't tell whether it's good or bad...

{Time skip- to next lesson}

There isn't a specific place to sit in the next classroom, so I take a seat diagonal to Lee- as there was already someone next to him. I'm on a desk for two on my own, and looking around the room, I notice Simon is too.

"Ok class, so today we're starting projects with our partners. And before you all ask, no you can not go with your best friend, your partner is the person sitting next to you," Miss Jones, our English teacher, rambles. "Ah it seems we have two people on their own, well that works out perfectly. Simon and, Y/N is it?" I nod rolling my eyes. Of course I'm with Simon.

"Can't I just go in a three with Josh and whoever he's with?" Simon whines.

"No Simon, you can not," the teacher argues, shaking her head. He reluctantly picks up his bag and throws himself on the chair next to me.

We start working, however neither of us are speaking to one another. We both sit in silence for the first ten minutes, before I decide it would be best to actually communicate.

"So I'm gonna ignore the fact you nearly sent that kid to hospital and actually talk to you. Which part of the work do you wanna do? Then I'll do the other," I ask, looking beside me.

He squints his eyes at me, "Why aren't you scared of me?"

"You're not scary," I say simply, even though I don't fully believe it. He smiles again. I don't get what's so funny?

"Well you look pretty scared before," he retaliates, smirking.

"Nah, you were seeing things," I laugh, feeling half proud of myself and half in awe of the way his eyes light up when he laughs.

What?! Do I have a crush on him? No...

Just before the lesson's about to finish, I've completed all the pictures we needed to draw and started making the powerpoint on Shakespeare- which was our chosen subject. Simon has actually done some work to my surprise, even if he just copied out some play explanations from Wikipedia.

"Miss," Simon shouts across the room to our teacher. "My partner hasn't done any work." I open my mouth in shock. What is he on about, I've done most of the work.

"What?!" Miss Jones shouts back in disapproval. Simon moves the computer, I was using to make the powerpoint, to face him as she marches over to our desk.

"I've done this and wrote these," he gestures to his work and the powerpoint- I made. "All Y/N's done is drawn a couple of pictures."

"Well that is not acceptable, and on your first day too. Detention here after school, for an hour," she bellows, pursing her lips. "Now everyone get out of my sight, off to period three. And Simon remember, you're here after school too."

"See ya after school, partner," Simon smirks, knocking my book off the desk as he strides past. I bite my lip, as I pick my book back up. Watching him walk away and doing nothing...

A/N: I've wrote the main character in this as a girl, so it's not confusing if I write they/their. My friend read the draft and thought I meant multiple people when she read 'they'. Really hope it doesn't offend anyone :(

Hope someone enjoyed :)

See ya xx

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