Countdown in: 2

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The hours were counting down in your head. That big moment with Yang had just a day to go. Nervousness, excitement, the occasional bit of worry that you would mess it all up, were all things you experienced. The night had to be perfect for her and you would settle for nothing less, how you were going to accomplish that though remained to be seen.

You found yourself pondering that thought a lot, even as she happily sat in your while you did everything in your power to keep her lips connected with your own so she wouldn't pull the same thing she did the previous day, all while her teammates and friends looked away awkwardly, at least that's what you assumed. Your eyes were closed and even if they were open all that would be in your field of view was Yang's head, so you had no idea how your peers were reacting to the scene that was unfolding between you and her.

Unlike the day before where you were close to the top of the stands, this time Yang was able to get you sitting with her and the others, although there wasn't enough seats for one more so Yang happily relegated you to her own personal seat.

"Yang, can you please do that somewhere else?" Ruby complained, being stuck in the seat next to you.

Yang ignored her sisters' plea, instead opting to mess with her even more.

"I love you!" she exclaimed to you in an over the top, sugary, voice, nuzzling her nose against yours and planting a series of kisses against your cheek.

"Please stop." Ruby begged.

Again, Yang ignored her sisters' plea. If anything it only encouraged her to continue on her onslaught of affection, even roping you into joining her, acting like the most sickeningly sweet couple, much to Ruby's disgust. Yang simply chuckled at her sisters' reaction.

You poked your head to the side of Yang's to catch a glimpse of the current match to see if it had ended. Ivan and Deena would be fighting next, one of the few matches you had any real interest in watching. Yang had her match earlier and, much like the previous day, was still pumped up and full of energy and excitement, which she had spent the past several minutes unloading on you, furthering your hopes that she would win her last match.

Yang and Ruby began bickering, prompting you to take out your scroll and do some quick browsing while Yang wasn't looking. The same thing you were looking at the night before came up. While trying to think of where you and Yang were going to spend your big night together the idea that seemed to be the best was to get a room for the night. It wasn't cheap, but because you didn't sort things out the week beforehand, like you should have, it was the best thing that came to mind.

"What's this?" Yang asked, taking a peak at your scroll.

"It's for tomorrow night." you replied to her quietly so it was just between you both. "I was thinking of getting a room for us so we can."

"No." Yang responded bluntly, suggesting to you to put your scroll away.

"But where are we gonna..."

"You took me on a trip away, you've done enough. I'll sort this out."

"Okay then. But at least let me get the protection for tomorrow night."


"You're already after getting the condoms?"

"You're not wearing one tomorrow night."

You looked at her as if she was crazy for a moment.

"Uh Yang, you do know what can happen if I don't wear..."

"I'm after taking pills." she whispered to you, making sure that it was heard by no one else. "I want to feel the real thing. I want to feel you."

She looked at you confused for a moment when she saw you smile.

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