A Rise and a Fall

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There were very few times in your life that you considered yourself to be truly lucky. The two most important ones that came to mind were when you survived your foolish attempt to kill a Grimm years ago, the other was when Yang came into your life. Now there was third one you could add to that list; not being killed by the debris of the shop and your house collapsing on you.

Although calling it lucky might not be entirely true. You may have survived but now the debris had you pinned down, leaving you exposed and with no way to escape if any Grimm were to pass by and notice you.

Just about every part of your body was trapped in the rubble, with just around the top quarter, both arms included, being free. Instinctively you tried to move your legs. There was very little room to move them in any direction and one spot had a sharp piece of debris that jabbed into your leg, causing you to scream in pain. Fortunately it didn't feel like it pierced your skin and at least it let you know that both your legs were still working.

Using both hands you attempted to pull yourself out; no luck. The debris blocked any chance you had of crawling out from it.

"No. No."

You tried pushing yourself up, hoping that whatever debris had you trapped wasn't too much and just needed an extra push. Every bit of strength you had was mustered up and fought against the rubble that had you pinned down. Again you had no luck. It was just too much for one person to move on their own. From what it felt like, it was one large piece that was holding you down, although there was more than likely smaller pieces on top. This led you try get your hands underneath it to aid in pushing you up but to no avail.

"Hel-help!" you shouted. "Anyone please!"

It was pointless. Anyone nearby that could possibly hear you were more than likely gone.

"No." you said tearfully before trying, and failing, to push the debris off you. "Come on! Come on!"

You gave up with an exasperated sigh.

"Damnit." you said distraught, your voice quivering while you punched the ground in frustration.

A whimpering Zwei approached you.

"Doesn't look like I'm getting out of here." you said to him.

The small dog turned around from you and began crying loudly for attention. He remained at the one spot for several seconds before he ran off.


He didn't respond to your call, instead he kept running away, his barking getting quieter and quieter until you could no longer hear it. Now you were all alone.

You hung your head briefly before your eyes wandered over to Beacon. The massive Grimm you saw earlier now seemed to be circling Beacon tower. Immediately your thoughts were on your friends and the person you loved. How were they faring against everything? Were they okay? Did things so bad that they were forced to leave?

Whatever their fate was, you had a feeling you weren't going to be around to see them. You had already given up that you were going to make it through the night. You were expecting a lone Grimm to come by any second and pick you off. Or maybe there was more debris about to fall on top of you. Or if you did manage to survive the night you would go unnoticed by any potential rescuers and slowly die from hunger and thirst.

Sure, you might be overreacting in your panicking state, but you couldn't help it. Maybe after all the good things that had happened in your life since you met Yang and she became your girlfriend now had to be balanced out with something bad.

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