Desperate Deal

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So this is my first fanfic...ever. I adore Elsa and my roommate has an unnatural obsession with Loki, and thus the Elki ship was born. I know it's not a popular ship, but it's got potential. Anway to whoever might be reading this (if anybody is), I hope you enjoy it and please offer me comments and criticisms and what not because I'm new at this.

Shoutout to Sunnyontheheights for the cover art (she worked really hard on it)! You guys should check out her stuff if you love Loki (:

Anyhoo, enjoy!

Dear Papa,

Anna is still so sick. I don't know what to do anymore, and I'm losing hope. There's nothing we can do, Papa, and I feel so helpless. My magic is spiraling out of control and it's growing harder and harder to handle the menial tasks of the kingdom with Anna lying ill in the next room. It's times like these when I really wish you were still here. I know you couldn't find a cure any faster than the wonderful people of Arendelle, but even your presence was so healing. Whenever you were around when I was younger, I felt like I almost had the power to completely control my magic. You gave me hope and encouragement. I could use some of that right now, everyone could. Tell mother I love her and miss her, too.

Love Your Daughter,


"Oh, Anna," is all I can choke out. I approach the wheezing lump of blankets that is my sister.

"Elsa? Is that you?" She struggles to lift her head.

"It's me, Anna. Don't sit up, your cough might start up again," I reach out to brush a strand of bright auburn hair from her forehead. It's the only part of Anna the illness has failed to dull and distort. How long has it been since the first incident? Four months? I remember the mortification in Kristoff's eyes as he rushed her into the foyer.

"I don't know what happened," he exclaimed, "We were out rowing on the fjord, when she started coughing. And then there was blood. She seems okay now, but I made her come in anyways. I didn't want to risk it."

"I am okay now, Kristoff! Put me down I'm going to be fine. It was just a cough-attack jeez no need to flip out," Anna brushed herself off and proceeded to walk to the dining room, but before she took two steps collapsed on the ground in front of me.

"Anna!" I brought her head into my lap and checked it for any bumps from the fall. I placed my hand on both sides of her face; her skin was burning hot. Her eyelids fluttered slightly, but she did not wake. Trickles of blood were puddled at the corners of her mouth.

"Kristoff, hurry let's get her to her bedroom then I need you to quickly run for the physician."

That was our first encounter with Anna's illness. Since then she has seen every physician in Arendelle and not one has had a single idea as to what could be ailing her. And it's only getting worse. Just last week, I was sure we lost her.

I was sitting at her bedside watching her sleep and listening to her struggling breath. It was chilled outside, but I made sure the servants maintained the fire in Anna's room. The cold certainly couldn't help her, which is why I was also very cautious when touching her without my gloves. The constant worry was making it so hard to control the power. I would often awake in the night to a full-blown snowstorm in my room.

Occasionally her breathing would drop off or become wheezy and painstaking, but it always returned. Until one time it didn't. She inhaled shallowly and slowly. Poor Anna, I thought. I don't know how she manages to breathe like that during her waking hours. My thoughts were interrupted by the absence of the raspy exhale I had grown accustomed to as evidence of Anna's living. I listened intently for it, but it did not come.

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