Strictly Professional

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Sorry for the lag. School is cray! Enjoy, lovelies (:


Dear Papa,

            The man who is staying with us, who also happens to be my fiancé, is quite odd. I walked in on him “correcting our literature”. Apparently those stories you used to tell Anna and me about Norse Mythology are completely wrong. It was quite amusing to see him all bothered about it. And I couldn’t help but laugh at him. I know I should have kept my queenly composure, but I actually felt comfortable with it. He comes off as threatening, but I don’t know. I think that even though he puts up this wall of stern and grumpy, he has a side to him that’s likeable, though I’ve yet to see it clearly. In any case, I suppose I’ll see it eventually if it’s there since I’m stuck with him for…the rest of my life. Anyways I just want you to know that I feel a little better about him. You don’t need to worry about me.

Love you,



            “Elsa!” Olaf comes sliding in to my quarters, but overshoots his momentum and slams into my dresser.

            “Olaf!” I run to his side and pick him back up. He’s fine but his nose has pushed through his head and is sticking out only about an inch.

            I giggle, “Olaf your nose.”

            He goes cross-eyed to see it, “Oh dear. I hate when that happens.” His voice is nasally.

            “Here let me help you.” I reach behind his head and push the carrot forward so it’s back in its correct position.

            Olaf takes a deep breath in through his nose,” Thank you!”  He stands up and waddles over to my bed, then climbs up and plops down.

            “No problem.” I sit at my desk chair. “So what did you run in here to tell me?”

            “Oh right! I almost forgot! So you know how you had me follow that scary tall man around all day?”

            I laugh at his description of Loki, “Yes.”

            “Well something interesting happened!”

            I sit at attention, “Really? What happened?” I fear that he might have scared some of the townspeople or caused a scene. Anxiety wells up inside me.

            “So I watched him walk around and look at some stuff and I was getting sort of bored so I got a little distracted, but then he started talking to this little girl and I thought well maybe I should pay attention because he’s scary and he might scare the girl, but then he actually ended up helping her find her parents and it made me feel warm and fuzzies,” Olaf manages to say in one breath.

            “Wow. He really did that?” I never thought he would be the type to actually stop and take time to help someone.

            “Yeah! But that’s not it! You’re really going to like this next part!” Olaf says excitedly.

            “Okay then go on.”

            He takes a deep breath and continues, “So after that he was walking around some more and I was still following him. He came across these two ladies who were umm saying some mean things about…” Olaf trails off.

            “About who? Kristoff and Anna?” I ask, urgently. “My father?” My words come out in an angrier tone than I intend.

            Olaf shakes his head. “No. None of them.”

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