Not Right

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Haiii!! Comment and vote! I love you guys! Hope you enjoy the chapter! :* 

Written by my roommate :D


Dear Mother,

            I eavesdropped on a conversation earlier-yes I know I shouldn’t have but I do like to be sneaky-anyways, it concerns Elsa and I and our…relationship. I assume Anna brought something up though I wasn’t eavesdropping long enough to hear who started it. When I entered the conversation, Olaf, the snowman, said something along the lines of Elsa being in love with me. Which is completely ridiculous since we have only known each other for a short time and I do not plan on creating a romantic relationship. Elsa denied the statement but then proceeded to say she enjoyed my company. No one has said that about me since you died, Mother. This is when I decided that it was appropriate for the conversation to be stopped and I said the first thing that was on my mind. I said that I enjoyed her company. I have not said that about someone in a long, long time.

            I do not know if that is the truth or if it is another lie my mind came up with to save face. The longer I stay in Arendelle, the more confused I become. I am beginning to like Arendelle. I like the people and the colors. I like the scenery and the peacefulness. I like spending my days with Elsa more than I like studying. I feel I am changing but I do not know if it is good or bad. I have a feeling it is because of Elsa and that terrifies me. When I let people affect me, I usually end up hurt. With the exception of you but you are my Mother. Anyways, I must go. Until next time Mother.

Your Son,


            I set the quill down and lean back in my chair. New emotions surfaced while I was writing. Happiness that Elsa enjoys my company. Nervous that she may love me. Nervous? Why? I wonder. Shouldn’t I feel disgusted that a human loves me? Or pride that I was able to charm a queen? Nervous? That doesn’t make sense. I sigh and stand up. I place my hands on the window and gaze out at the small town. It is bustling and bright, like it usually is. Children run in the street and parents laugh at their children’s antics. The sun is shining bright as the frost creeps across the window. Wait, frost?

            I look to my right at the tiny patterns of frost that are creeping out. I touch the window and am surprised at how comfortable it feels. If it feels comfortable to my Frost Giant skin, it’s cold. I look closer at the growing frost and am entranced by the pattern. It is beautiful for lack of a better word. But the longer I look at it the more I see a strained look to it. Like the frost itself is stressed. Elsa, I think. I straighten up and head for the door. She must not be in control of her powers. As I reach the door, I hear voices.

            “…Come child there is nothing we can do for her…” an older man’s voice says.

            “But-but shouldn’t we help her in some way?” a younger, woman’s voice asks.

            “We would only put more strain on her. Let her calm down on her own…” the man says. The voices fade and I slowly open the door. A cold breeze becomes apparent almost immediately. I look to the left and see a thin layer of frost creeping over the floor, coming out from a door. Let her calm down on her own? That would be worse, I think. I remember back to when I was little and overwhelmed by my school and combat training. I told others I wanted to be alone but I didn’t really want to be alone. My mother always knew that and would listen to me rant for hours. Elsa doesn’t need to be alone, I think. I stride towards the door that emanates cold and knock loudly.

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