Second Time

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Well this was a long time coming and I'm seriously sorry. The past month of school was killer. I didn't even have time to think about the story. But there are only 3 weeks left in the semester, so hopefully we'll have more time after! (Have to get through finals first, though D:) Until then, I hope this chapter will hold you over! Sorry it's not super long. I wrote most of it during class oops :p

Dear Papa,

I can’t even begin to explain how I’m feeling right now. Things are so confusing but yet not stressful for once. It’s like I’m okay with things not making sense because whenever I get to contemplate them it warms my heart. And I mean, Father, that it literally warms my heart. I didn’t think I’d ever feel warm, let alone warm for thinking about…a man. Loki, no less. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I’ve never felt so wonderfully lost in unidentifiable emotion. Mama used to joke about this with Anna and me. Remember? In those rare moments where I could will myself out of my room and sit with you all for a meal—as far away from Anna as possible of course—mama would always try to lighten to mood by speaking of subjects like love and romance. Anna always swooned but, I never took what Mama was saying as a message for myself. I always knew I wasn’t meant for romantic love. Everything I touch is in danger of freezing so how could I ever be with someone? Because of this I contented myself with a life lacking in any form of companionship outside of the love of my subjects and my family. But somehow Loki is an exception. My powers don’t affect him at all. I’ve accidentally struck his heart and he survived! It’s almost like…and I know this sounds silly…like he was made for me, in a sense. I know that sounds so childlike and naive, like something Anna would claim about Kristoff. But it’s true, or it seems true anyways.

Oh, I should stop thinking this way before I give you a toothache. But I can’t help it. This is all new to me and I can’t help how I feel. I can’t even identify how I feel, how could I possibly control it? Or conceal it for that matter?

But still, there’s an underlying fear here. It’s something that’s been a secret concern of mine ever since I became betrothed. I don’t really want to go into it right now as it gives me anxiety and I’m just learning to get that under control.

Anyways I must go now, Papa. Someone’s knocking and it’s probably Anna coming to ask for my opinion for the thousandth time today. Oh I forgot to mention, her wedding is today. I wish you were here to see her. She does too.



“Elsa, open up!” Anna demands as she bangs on my door. I do as she says and she rushes in. She plops herself down onto my bed with a sob.

“What’s wrong now?” I ask, sitting down next to her.

“The shoes!” she cries.



“What’s wrong with your shoes?”

“They’re not the right color!” She lifts the hem of her fluffy white dress up slightly. “They’re white, my dress is eggshell!”

I examine both carefully and conclude, “Anna, I can hardly tell the difference. In fact, there is no difference. They’re the same color with different names.”

I can tell the difference, Elsa! I can!”

“Anna.” I place my hand on her shoulder. “The shoes are perfect. I think you’re just being nervously meticulous.”

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