Unlucky Evasion

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Sincerest apologies for the long wait for such a short chapter. My roommate and I aren't living together anymore so I was hit with a severe case of writer's block. But I finally busted it out. It's really short, but good things are coming! I promise! (:

Anyways I dedicated this chapter to Niclla for her beautiful cover art. Thank you so much, love <3

Enjoy, lovelies!


Oh, Papa! I am so extremely frustrated with that glib, pretentious, disrespectful son of a god that I have the misfortune of calling my fiancé. You know, I thought things were getting better. We were talking more, even joking a bit. I must admit, there even may have been a little flirting involved. But then he had to go and say that he has absolutely no intentions of marrying me. Which, if it weren’t for my deal with Odin, would be completely fine with me. But Anna’s heath relies entirely on the deal, which says I must marry that man. What does he MEAN we’re not getting married? We have to get married! This is not up for debate! For Anna’s good and…I don’t know I thought maybe he was actually starting to like me. But that’s not important! I need to marry him for Anna.

On a somewhat related note, Anna and Kristoff are now engaged. I’m very happy for them, Papa, really. It’s just…I already have so much on my mind and now I have to help plan their wedding. I’m having a hard time keeping my powers in check because I’m under so much stress. And the troubles I’m having with Loki coupled with Anna’s wedding and other kingdom duties…I just….I don’t know how I’m going to get through these next months. I really wish you and mama were here to help. I know how much mama was looking forward to planning our weddings. Now I have to do this by myself. I hope I do okay.

Missing You,


            I sit in the dining room with Kristoff and Anna, absentmindedly stirring my porridge. The happy couple chatters away while I mentally run through all the things I need to get done today.

            Meet with the townspeople

            Speak with my advisors about that new illness

            Meet with the baker about the wedding cake

            Discuss wedding dates with Anna (though she insists on this month, I’m not sure if I can do that)

            Design wedding invitations

            Meet with the royal cook

            Can’t forget about lunch

            Speak with Loki…

            I cringe a bit when I get to that one. I haven’t talked to him in a couple days. It seems he’s been avoiding me. The servants told me he’s been taking his meals in his room. I feel my face heat up with frustration at the thought of him. I still can’t believe what he said to me the other day. We. Are. Not. Getting. Married, his words echo in my mind.

            How dare he! He has no right to call off the wedding. He has no idea what’s at stake. Or…he doesn’t care about what’s at stake. He did tell me he didn’t care about me or the kingdom.

            “Elsa!” Anna shouts pulling me from my thoughts.

            I look up at her and blink a couple times. “Yes, Anna?”

Winter SoulsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora