Without Regret

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            “Wow. I was really that sick?” Anna leans back on the couch and stares up at the ceiling. Her hair glows bright in the firelight and I catch Kristoff staring affectionately at her from his spot on floor. “I hardly even remember that day when I fainted in the foyer. All I know is the sickness came on out of nowhere. One second I was fine, the next I was hacking up blood. It’s quite odd when you really think about it.”

            “Well we don’t want to think about it anymore,” Kristoff cuts in. “All that matters is you’re okay now. You’re healthy and safe.” He lifts himself onto the couch and pulls her into an embrace.

She closes her eyes and leans into it for a moment, but then furrows her brow and leans forward, a question evident in her expression. “Elsa, I was deathly ill right?”

“Yes, Anna we’ve told you how ill you were and we’d rather not relive it again so please just leave it alone for a while.”

“But Elsa, If I was that sick. Like almost-dead sick,” I cringe at this thought, “how did I recover so quickly? Shouldn’t my recovery have been slow and tedious?” She stands and moves around rapidly testing her limbs, “But I’m okay! I don’t feel the slightest bit weak or ailed. It’s as if I wasn’t sick at all, like I just woke up from a really long nap.” Kristoff and I share a nervous glance. We weren’t going to tell her about the deal for at least a couple days.

She notices the change in our demeanors, “What are you two hiding from me? You promised me, Elsa, no more secrets! No more hiding! What are you not telling me?”

I let out a heavy sigh and meet her glare, “You’re right, Anna, you deserve to know.”

She crosses her arms in triumph, “I knew you were hiding something. Now go on, tell me.”

I steal a glance at Kristoff and he nods his head in encouragement, “Anna please sit down,” she obeys and falls back onto the couch. “As we’ve told you, you were on the verge of death. We were sure you didn’t have much more than a few weeks of life left in you. We searched everywhere for a cure or treatment, the entire kingdom was searching for months, but we came up with nothing. We were getting desperate, extremely desperate, so I made a deal.”

“A deal?” Anna looks worried. “What kind of deal? With who?”

I ignore her questions and continue speaking, “Last night I had a dream about a story Papa used to tell us about the Norse Gods. Do you remember?”

“Kind of.”

“Well one in particular showed up in my dreams: Odin, the king. He was known for his healing powers, and his willingness to heal humans in exchange for…things.”

Anna’s eyes widen in realization, “So you made a deal with this Odin guy for my healing! Elsa, what in the world did you trade him?”

“I was getting there, Anna calm down.” She pouts but leans back into the couch. “So I managed to summon him and he examined you and I agreed to marry his son in exchange for your healing.” I blurt out the last part so fast that it hardly makes sense, but Anna hears me and jumps up from the couch.

“You did what!”

“You heard me Anna. I agreed to a marriage for your health and I don’t regret it.”

Anna gapes at me, “I…I don’t know what to say, Elsa. I’m-I’m sorry.”

I walk to her and take her hands in mine, “Don’t you dare say sorry, Anna. I would’ve traded anything, anything to get you back again. Your life is more important to me than anything in this world.”

Her eyes fill with tears and she nods. She hugs me tightly and whispers, “I love you.”

“I love you too, Anna. Now don’t cry.” I wipe the tears away with my thumbs.

She smiles up at me, “I’m sorry I just feel bad that you have to marry this stranger! We don’t even know anything about him. Do you even know his name?

“Loki, I think it was,” I reply.

“Loki? That’s a strange name.”

I laugh, “Yes, it is a strange name, but let’s hope he is not as odd as his name. He is going to be staying with us for a while. Odin is giving us a few months to become acquainted before we get married. He’ll be here a week from today, I suppose.”

“How do you know that?” Anna asks.

“Odin left this note,” I produce the note, “and this ring.” I reluctantly bring out the ring.

“Oh my!” Anna gasps. “It’s beautiful, Elsa! It suits you, too: the blue diamond is perfect for you!” I smile but quickly take back the ring and note and return them to my pocket. “Why won’t you wear it?”

I sigh,” Because I’m not comfortable with it. It’s an engagement ring and it’s supposed to mean something. It signifies a connection with another person, but I don’t even know this guy yet. It would just feel strange to wear.”

“That makes sense. Wear it when you’re ready.” Anna smiles up at me and hugs me again. “Thank you so much, Elsa. I will repay you for this!” I start to protest but she cuts me off, “You are going to have the most beautiful wedding ever! And Kristoff will make sure this Loki guy treats you nice, wont you Krissy?”

Kristoff blushes at the embarrassing nickname, “Of course, Elsa. He’ll be on his best behavior whether he likes it or not.”

“Thank you,” I smile at them both. I glance up at the clock: it’s almost midnight, “We should get some rest it’s been a long day.”

“But I don’t want to sleep,” Anna protests, “I just woke up!”

“Rest, Anna. It may have been healing magic, but I don’t want to risk any sort of relapse.”

“Fine,” Anna retorts, “Let’s go Kristoff.”

“Separate rooms, separate beds you two!” I call out and receive a groan from Anna in reply. “Hey! You’re lucky it’s not separate wings!”

I laugh and begin the walk to my room, but I make a quick visit with Olaf to employ him as Anna’s night guardian, “Just make sure she stays in her bed and that she doesn’t try to sneak out. Okay?”

“You’ve got it, Elsa!” Olaf salutes me and waddles away in the direction of Anna’s bedroom.


I get to my room and sit down on my bed. I rest my head in my hands and consider the events of the past day. The fact that I’m engaged to a stranger still hasn’t processed entirely. I don’t really know how to feel. I’m too happy that Anna is back to feel upset over the fact that it won’t be a marriage for love. I guess I have never even considered getting married, anyways: relationships were never for me. All the love I ever desired I had with my sister and my people; romantic love was never a big deal to me. I was completely content with the fact that I would be happily single for the rest of my life. And now I’m marrying a stranger, I think. I can do it. So instead of feeling anguished I find myself humored and soon I’m laughing.

“Wow,” I say to myself, “I just hope he’s not a complete psycho.”


Sorry it's so short: it's necessary exposition and it's the worst, I know!

Anyway my rommate is responsible for the next chapter which will focus on Loki. I'm hoping she doesn't lag too much. Thanks for reading! (if there is anyone reading haha) 

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