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Thanks so much to everyone who read and commented, it really means a lot to me seeing as this is my first try at fanfiction! Anyhoodles, this next part is entirely by my lovely roommate and master fanfic writer, Kelsey (she doesn't have a wattpad, but on she is Luc16). I had to bug her for days to get to writing, but she finally finished it and it's amazeballs!

FYI, we're both full-time college students with part-time jobs so updates won't be super prompt, but we're dedicated to this story, so it will continue to completion!

Comment if you love it or hate it or just want to say hi (: 



Dear Mother,

            Father, no Odin, has gone too far. He has forced me into a deal that we never discussed or even thought of. He didn’t even ask my opinion about the deal! I am sick of his politics and decisions. I don’t know why you married such a controlling, manipulative man. How did you stand him all those years? You were so loving and kind to Thor and I. You deserved so much more than the husk of a man we call Allfather. I have reached my limit and will not follow his orders, I will not be controlled by him. Ever since your death, he has deteriorated immensely. He makes rash decisions that even leave the court scrambling. But this time, he has gone too far. I will not stand for it.

            The smell of blood hits my nose and I smile. I swing my arm around and my knife sinks into the throat of my victim with a squelch. I pull my arm out quickly, flicking the warm blood from my fingers. As I look around at the battle raging around me, I nearly laugh in glee. My blood and adrenaline were pumping at full throttle and I wanted to fight and slice and kill. The power that comes with this thought catches me off guard but there’s no time to think about it as an arrow whizzes by my head. I duck and roll away, throwing a knife at the same time. My knife finds my target perfectly and the creature crumbles. Our enemy consists of seven-foot horned creatures with a wicked tail that they like to use to impale you with. They range in colors from dark brown to a deep burgundy. Their eyes are completely black and they have two sets of teeth.

            “Have you forgotten how to fight Loki?” Thor shouts from a few feet away. My pride rises up and I scowl in annoyance.

            “Me forget? You underestimate me brother,” I sneer and throw a knife towards him. His eyes widen as the knife spins towards him and lands in the eye of the creature behind him. Thor whirls around at the creature’s scream of pain and hits it on the head with his hammer. Mjonlr. Every time I see it, anger bubbles in my stomach because it should be mine. I am far more intelligent then my oaf of a brother and am far more worthy than he. But still, it chose him. Or he forced it to choose him. As Thor turns back around to look at me, there’s a look of fear in his eyes. I smile and whirl away as I am locked into battle with one of the creatures. I relish those moments when I see fear in their eyes. It means they are finally realizing my potential, they are finally beginning to fear me. I have been underestimated and ignored for too long.

I slash angrily at the creatures around me, cutting through armor and flesh, blood spilling from their wounds. I channel my anger and resentment into my fighting, allowing myself to enjoy the thrill of battle. I rarely partook of this enjoyment but now, now I relished it. With every stroke of my blade, every throw of my arm, I proclaimed my freedom. This was my first battle since the incident on Earth. Earth, the pathetic little planet with it’s mewling creatures called humans. They were so fragile and small, yet they had…something powerful. This thing was powerful and influential but I couldn’t figure out what it was. It was a mystery I had yet to solve, a frustrating annoying mystery.

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