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Sorry this took a while! School is getting insane. Like I don't sleep anymore.

Anyhoodles, if you're familiar with any bits of actual Norse Mythology you should enjoy this chapter (:


I walk into the dining room at precisely 5PM and see Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf seated at the far end of the long table, laughing and joking. Even though Olaf doesn't need to eat, he still insists on sitting with us for every meal claiming he doesn't, "want to be left out of all the current gossip." Silly snowman.

It takes a moment for me to realize Loki is absent. I fight the urge to roll my eyes and walk to my seat next to Anna. They all stand and bow until I'm seated. I don't think I'll ever get used to that.

Once we're all seated, they resume their talking and laughter. I'm distracted throughout the entire meal so I hardly notice when the conversation drops and they're all staring at me.

"Umm, Elsa," Anna says quietly and taps me on my shoulder to gain my attention.

I snap out of my daze and look at her, "Yes, Anna?" Her brows are furrowed with concern. Confused, I look down at my dinner: uneaten, frozen. I groan inwardly and push back from the table.

"I'll see you all in the morning," I say as I walk to the door. I quickly make my way to the front entrance. I need to clear my head.


I make the familiar hike to the north mountain and stand before the entrance to my ice palace. I smile and open the doors. They don't creak like they usually do when I haven't been up here in a while. And I haven't been up here since Anna got sick, at least 4 months. It's unusual, but I shake it off and continue inside.

I sigh in contentment when the familiar chill inside envelops my senses. I love the cold. As I ascend the steps to the second story I notice something else is off, there are light footprints on the floor leading up in the direction I'm headed.

"That's odd," I say examining one of them.

When I reach the second story they fade into nothing and I'm left puzzled. Too tired to even think about investigating, I resolve to believe it was just one of the villagers coming to confirm the myth of the ice palace at the top of the north mountain.

I open the doors to the balcony and step outside. It's nighttime, but the view is still beautiful. The fjord glimmers in the moonlight and the distant castle lights let off a fuzzy glow that makes it look like it's in a dream.

The breeze tousles my hair gently. I close my eyes and try to enjoy the serenity, but something just isn't right. Loki. Our confrontation earlier is still bothering me. Perhaps I was too mean to the man. He's worlds away from home, stripped of his powers, and engaged to a stranger. He was probably just having a rough day. I feel the guilt welling up inside me. I try to remind myself that he was rude and came off as extremely snobby and pretentious, but it doesn't make me feel better. I just feel bad for him, and I don't know why. I can't shake the feeling, so I decide to apologize and try to make good with him.

Is that what was really bothering you, Elsa? I ask myself. I get the feeling that the confrontation with Loki is only contributing to a portion of my worry, but I shove aside that thought and make to leave the palace. My visit with it was brief but sufficient. I feel reenergized and ready to face the tall stranger again.

I quickly make my way down the mountain, anxious to get to the castle before the man goes to bed. It takes about an hour, but I finally make it just before nine. Hopefully he doesn't like to go to bed too early, I think as I enter the castle. I debate on bringing him dinner, but decide against it because I don't want him to think I'm pushover who doesn't keep her word. He still needs to know that he has to respect my family and me, especially while living with us.

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