True Frost

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Oh my goodness, guys! I wish I could give all of you free Wi-Fi for making you wait this long for an update! I have no excuses except that I just got surgery on my back and that delayed my writing further than it already was. 

Anyways thank you so much for your patience and your comments! They're really sweet and motivating.

And as a special treat for your wait this chapter is co-written and features 2 POVs. I really hope you like it and that it was worth the wait!

I love you, you're beautiful (: <3

Dear Papa,

            My one and only goal right now is to speak with Loki. It’s been several days since we last spoke but I’ve waited a while intentionally. It seems that every time I’ve tried to approach him it ended in some pointless argument. Nothing has been resolved since the day he told me he has no intentions of marrying me, but I gave it some time and now today I’m going to do talk to him whether he likes it or not. I’ll freeze him and force him to talk if I have to, but he is GOING to talk. This isn’t something I can afford to argue about. There’s much more at stake than reputations. My Anna’s life is on the line and I don’t care how much he argues with me, I’m MARRYING HIM.

            Sorry for the rant, Papa. I’m a worrier, you know that. Anyways, I miss you and Mama dearly.




            I’ve been pacing the corridors of the castle for what feels like hours, I cancelled my meetings with the townspeople today, and I skipped breakfast. This is so unlike me that it’s disturbing, but I won’t be able to settle down until I’m able to have a solid discussion with Loki. And I’m determined to have that conversation with him today if I could just find him.

            I curse silently as I turn into another empty corridor.

“Where is he?” I mutter to myself and stomp my foot.

“Where is whom, Elsa?” a cheery voice says from behind me.

I turn to face it. “Loki, Olaf. I can’t find Loki and I’ve been looking for him all morning.”

Olaf places one of his stick fingers on his chin in what might be a thinking gesture. “Hmm, I think I saw him today.”

“Where?” I say urgently, leaning down to Olaf’s level. “Where, Olaf?”

“In…his…bedroom.” Olaf giggles and waddles off down the hall.

“Oh,” I breathe and stand up straight.

Why didn’t I think to check his bedroom first thing? I guess in my rush and all the stress I’ve been enduring I forgot to be logical about where to look for Loki. He seldom wanders randomly around the castle and when he’s not in the town center he’s easily found scribbling in one of our books in his bedroom.

I mentally kick myself for being so thick and make my way to Loki’s room. When I’m standing in front of it I don’t hesitate to knock, otherwise I’ll chicken out entirely.

As I’m waiting for a response I can feel my nerves tingling anxiously. I forgot to put on my gloves today and I fear touching anything will freeze it immediately. I take a couple deep breaths and repeat, “Don’tfeel,” in my head a few times before knocking again with more force because apparently he didn’t hear me knock the first time.

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