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Dear Papa,

            Anna’s better! She’s healthy and back to her normal, quirky self. Now I only have to worry about her slipping and falling off the banisters, because she still insists on sliding down them instead of taking the stairs like a normal 19 year old. I seriously have never been happier, Papa. I thought I would never see her running around the halls and getting into trouble with Kristoff again. And Kristoff, oh Kristoff. That boy is wrapped so tightly around Anna’s finger, I have to essentially tear them apart every night and set a guard to make sure they don’t sneak out to row on the fjord (their favorite activity). It’s so nice to see Anna in love. I know that’s all she’s ever wanted: someone to love her, someone to appreciate her for all her little quirks. And I think’s she’s found him, Papa. He’s perfect for her. I expect they’ll be engaged within a year. And only that long because I made her agree to wait since she tried to marry a man she had only just met! Ironically, I’m going be married to man after knowing him for only a few months, and without even loving him. I know, it sounds awful. You always expected Anna and I would fall in love with some handsome princes and live happily ever after, but I’m not upset that plan isn’t in my cards. Anna has her Kristoff, and I…I’ll be okay. This man and this future marriage mean little to me compared to Anna’s wellness. She’s all I’ve had since you and Mama passed on, and I needed to save her so…now I have to marry this guy. I know that probably doesn’t make sense to you, but details don’t matter. I just want to clarify that I’m going to be alright. I’m fine.

Love Your Daughter,



            “Ugh where is it?” I groan as I frantically search the drawers of my dresser leaving slight trails of frost behind wherever my fingers touch.

            “What’s wrong?” Anna asks as she cautiously enters my room.

            “I can’t find it!” I reply and turn to face her.

            “What is it you can’t find, Elsa?” Anna walks to me with her hands up as if she’s prepared to defend herself from me. Ever since I accidentally froze her heart she’s been cautious around me whenever I’m under stress. It hurts, but I understand where she’s coming from.

            I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and repeat, don’t feel calm down don’t feel, in my head a few times before responding. “The ring, Anna. The engagement ring! I put it on my dresser 6 nights ago and haven’t touched it since. Now I can’t find it. And this man is going to be here soon and I don’t have his darn ring and…” Tears threaten to spill from my eyes but I force them back.

            “Elsa, you need to relax. I haven’t seen you this stressed since Kristoff and I came back late from a nighttime row and you thought we’d both drowned.” She smooths down my hair and gently places her hand on the side of my face. Her hands are warm and the touch is comforting.

            I smile at her, “I know. I’m panicking for no reason, but this whole situation just has me freaking out.” I turn back to my dresser and begin looking again, this time without leaving behind icy fingerprints.

Anna gives me an understanding smile, “You have every right to be stressed right now, Elsa. This random man is moving in with us and you’re expected to like…like him right? I mean, that would stress me out.” I love the way Anna can make things sound simple. “But you can’t be freaking out about a small thing like this. It’s not helping you get a handle on your powers.”

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