Icy Handprint

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Two updates in one day, whoo! Two updates in one day posted after midnight and an embarassing Doctor Who binge, whoo!

I wrote this one, I hope you like it :*

Dear Papa,

Things are interesting right now. I’m very busy and hardly have a moment alone or to think. But despite this, I’ve managed to keep my powers mostly in check. And do you know why, Papa? Loki, believe it or not! He had already given me some good advice on how to keep my ice under control over daily stresses, but things have been unbelievably hectic around here lately and thinking “warm” just wasn’t cutting it anymore. He actually talked me out of a very dangerous panic attack himself and nobody, I mean nobody, not even Anna, has been able to calm me down during one of those. It was very…interesting and odd and I still can’t warp my head around the fact that he did it out of the kindness of his own heart. I mean, he just walked in and helped me without a request for assistance. His presence is calming for some reason and I often times find myself looking to his guidance more than that of my advisors. It’s very strange and I don’t know what to make of it or what it means. I actually find myself enjoying being around him and I look forward to the days where he shadows me because that’s an entire day I get to spend with him.

Unfortunately, though, I haven’t seen or spoke to him in a several days, even at meals. It’s odd because he hardly ever misses a meal. But I haven’t had time to investigate with all this stuff going on in the kingdom. Anna’s wedding still hangs over my head and then there’s the sickness. Wait…the sickness. It’s just occurred to me that I haven’t actually considered or heard a complaint about the sickness in days. For a long while the complaints were daily and I had been meaning to go down to the old church to speak with the physician about it when…Loki volunteered to go for me. He wrote me a note reading, “It’s under control,” and had one of the servants deliver it to me, but at the time I didn’t really have a moment to consider it in much detail and resolved to visit on my own at the sound of the next complaint. But there hasn’t been one since then and, to be frank, it’s a little disconcerting especially since Loki’s note was so vague.

I’m sorry to cut this letter short, father, but I really must go investigate this concern that I have been neglecting for far too long.

Love you,


I quickly close my journal and stand up from the desk, all the while chiding myself for forgetting about the illness for so long. To be fair, it’s only been days, days that were packed to the brim with other concerns. But still, I’ve neglected my queenly duty and that is unacceptable.

I step out into the hallway in search of a servant or advisor that can possibly inform me as to the state of the illness. The first person I find is a security guard standing outside the throne room.

“Good morning, Queen Elsa,” he says and bows as I approach him.

“Good morning, Edric,” I greet him with a smile. “Do you think you could help me with something?”

“I will certainly try, my queen.”

“I’ve been a bit preoccupied with other things lately and I haven’t been able to make it over to the church to see about the illness. I know you hear a few things standing outside the throne room all day.  Do you think you could inform me as to the current status of the crisis?”

Edric knits his brows. “I’m sorry, Queen Elsa, I don’t quite understand.”

“I just want to know how the physicians are getting along. Has the illness spread anymore?’

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