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Sorry this took so long! Sorry sorry sorry sorry!!

This chapter is by my roommate :D  

Dear Mother,

            I am at my wits end. Frosty cannot get it through her frozen skull that this marriage is not happening. She told me we needed to talk two more times after she approached me at the fountain. Two more times! You’d think she would get the message that the marriage isn’t happening. But on top of that she told me we needed to talk, demanded we talk. She has the nerve to TELL a god what to do! Honestly, she is impossible.

            Her sister got hurt, again. She is immature, reckless, and her head is full of air! First she gets sick then she consistently gets hurt because she doesn’t listen to Frosty. Speaking of Frosty, I was going to help relieve some of her sister’s pain but she tells me to stay out of it! This woman has no idea who she’s talking to and if she does, she doesn’t care. I cannot stand this place any longer.

            Well, the kingdom is not all bad. The people are friendly enough and the food is adequate. I could imagine living here. But not with that woman. No, we would tear each other apart. I can barely stand to be in the same room as that demanding, arrogant queen. Well, it looks like I’m being approached again. Until next time mother…

             I look up, frustrated, at the quickly approaching Frosty. She hides her annoyance poorly and her quick, sharp steps imply a poorly hidden anger as well. I roll my eyes and close my journal, tucking it quickly into my sash.


            “We are not discussing anything.”

            “Yes we are-”

            “Why can you not understand that the wedding is not happening?” I hiss, losing my patience. She doesn’t back down but stares at me with an icy glare.

            “Explain to me why the wedding is not happening.” There she goes again, demanding me to explain.

            “I do not listen to orders from insignificant queens,” I snarl. A look of hurt flashes across her face and I cringe slightly. Maybe that was too far. The hurt quickly passes and is replaced by an icy expression and hard determination in her eyes.

            “We are having the wedding whether you like it or not.” What little guilt I feel evaporates and I step back, furious.

            “Do not tell a god what to do, human,” I hiss. I back away, barely seeing through my anger. I need to get away before I break something or worse, expose my true self. Needing to have the last word in a fight, I take in her dress and ignore my inner voice.

            “By the way, red is not your color,” I sneer. Her eyes narrow and her hands unconsciously smooth her red and orange dress down. I turn on my heel and walk out of the palace. The nerve of that woman! I cannot stand her. I cannot stand this place. Not true, a voice sings. Shut it, I snarl back. I’m striding across the courtyard when I feel my fingers tingle. I ignore it until the tingling starts moving up my arms. This couldn’t be – but it felt like – no. I stop midstride and look down at my hands. They are slowly turning blue and by the feel of it, it is creeping up my arms. This is not good. I cannot let them see my true self. I turn sharply and head to the stables.

            The stable boy jumps as I barrel into the stables. He doesn’t stop me as I jump onto the horse that Frosty provided for me. The horse whinnies, irritated, but I kick my heels into its sides, urging it forward. The horse leaps forward and gallops out of the stables. It seems it wants to escape just as badly as I want to. I have not ridden bare back for quite some time but I quickly fall into a rhythm. My heart beats rapidly against my chest as I feel the tingling reach my neck. I need to get away where no one will see me. I steer the horse away from the town and towards the forest. The tingling has become painful and every movement of the horse is painful. I grit my teeth and flatten myself against the horse, willing it to go faster. The horse seems to understand my desperation and gallops faster, weaving through the forest and leaving a cloud of snow behind us.

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