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This is what I call a micro-chapter. It is birthed from a place in which the author is drowning in school work and only has time to write at 6AM after spending 7 hours on homework and deciding she might as well just pull an all-nighter.

Sincerest apologies, friends. College is hard and we have very little time to write ): Hang in there, though! :D

(This chapter was written by my roommate)


Dear Jane,

            It has been interesting with Loki gone. There are no snide comments and I have more time. I hadn’t realized how much time I spent with Loki. I guess I miss him. He is my brother and even though I lost him for a while, he was coming back. I don’t understand why Father sent him to be married. Loki had only been out of prison for a month. It doesn’t make sense that Father would send him away again after such a short time. Plus, Loki’s not really safe. Why would Father endanger people? I don’t mean to sound cruel but Loki was in prison for murder! As a king, it doesn’t make sense that Father would send Loki to be married.

            I haven’t heard anything from Loki either. I don’t think I expected to hear anything but I would still like to know how he’s doing. I hope he’s not annoying the humans or making them angry. He has a habit of doing that. What is the Queen like? I believe her name is Queen Elsa and she has ice powers similar to Loki’s Frost Giant powers. Do they get along? Or are they at each other’s throats?

            Forgive me, I’ve been talking about myself the entire time. I’m just worried. How are you? How is the research? How are Eric and Darcy? I miss you. I hope you are well and hope to hear from you soon.



            I fold the letter and put it in the envelope that Jane sent me last time. I address it and place a sticker in the right upper hand corner, like Jane told me to do. Every time I think of Jane, a pang of loneliness pierces my heart. I wish she would stay with me in Asgard but she is devoted to her work, which is something I love about her. But I do wish she would visit. Do you? I think. Something was not right. Since Loki’s been gone, Father has been acting…strange. At first, he was the happiest I’ve seen him since Mother’s death. He had been tense and normally angry but after his announcement of Loki’s betrothal, he changed. That doesn’t seem right. Shouldn’t you miss your son if you haven’t seen him for a very long time? That was the first sign. The second was when Father’s mood changed again. It had been some time since Loki was sent to Earth and Father had become angry again. He snapped at the servants, bellowed at the soldiers, and didn’t listen to anyone.

            A knock at the door makes me look up. A servant pokes their head in and explains that the people are here to see me. I sigh and dismiss the servant, telling them I’ll be there in a minute. I’ve taken on most of Father’s duties because he neglected them. That’s something else that bothers me. Father is a good ruler and always has the people’s best interest. But now, I’m not so sure. Something isn’t right. His moods drastically change from day to day and he’s not making the right decisions or he doesn’t make decisions at all. Something isn’t right.

            I get up from my desk and roll my shoulders. I leave my letter with a servant and put on my cape. I take a deep breath and stride from my room, leaving my worries behind and replacing them with confidence. The people needed to see a strong and confident leader. My boots clack against the floors and servants dip their heads in respect. I nod back, smiling slightly. As I round a corner, I hear my Father. I slow my pace and listen closer. I can hear him speaking rapidly and he sounds angry. I approach a door that is slightly open and look inside. My Father paces inside, his cape billowing around him. His arms wave around him like he’s speaking to someone. There’s no one in the room. My Father mutters and growls, still pacing.

            “Why does he have to be so smart?....unpredictable….dangerous….why can’t my plan just work?....why did I ever adopt him?....despicable….doesn’t deserve anything…infuriating…” my eyes narrow and I frown. Who was he talking about? Was he talking about Loki? I stand there, confused, the foreboding feeling getting stronger. Something is not right.

            “Father?” I ask, interrupting his mumbling. He doesn’t even look up but instead turns his back.

            “Go away, I’m busy,” Father growls. I blink in surprise and open my mouth to retort. Something stops me, maybe it’s the way he said it or the way he turned his back but I get the feeling now is not the time to ask questions.

            “Of course,” I reply, softly. I close the door and try to push the look of loathing on his face from my mind. The people need me.



Dear Frigga,

            Why did we ever adopt that monster? Why did I ever take him home? I should have left him in Jotunheim, should have let him die. But my cursed compassion made me pick him up. You taught me that compassion, it’s your fault. I knew as soon as you saw him you wanted him. I didn’t want another son, I just wanted to make you happy. Did I? Did I make you happy? I know I wasn’t always there but there was always so much going on. I wish I had made more time for you. I wish I had more time with you. Why did you have to go? Can’t you see what losing you has done to me? It’s all your fault. The way I am is your fault. I never should have brought Loki home… 

       I crumple the sheet of paper up and throw it away angrily. Nothing was going according to plan. Nothing was working. I just wanted him to feel a little of what I felt. He never cried a single tear for Frigga, the mother that raised him. That ungrateful, loathsome monster. How did I ever see him as my son? He should pay. He will pay. I’ll make sure of it. A thought comes to my mind. A plan. My mouth tips into a smile and I begin to pace again. Yes, that could work. No it would work. Loki would pay.

Okay, so I know this would have been better at the end of the last chapter, but my roommate brought to my attention a certain song lyric by a certain god of music that applies to our story very well. 

It goes:

"'Cause maybe you're loveable

And maybe you're my Snowflake

And your eyes turn from green to gray

In the winter I'll hold you in a cold place

And you should never cut your hair

'Cause I love the way you flick it off your shoulder

And you will never know

Just how beautiful you are to me..."

First person to tell me the title and artist of this song gets a shoutout and dedication, and I will also think you're the coolest person ever for knowing an obscure [insert artist name here] song ;) AND NO CHEATING BY GOOGLING THE LYRICS OR ANYTHING JESUS IS WATCHING!

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