Chapter 1

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Meaghan’s POV

I groaned and sat on the couch. Clover decided to colour on the walls. Again. I chased her around the mansion, trying to find her. That’s very hard to do when your 2 year old daughter is a ghost!

“Mummy!” She said in an Irish accent. I looked up and saw Clover in front of me. I stood up and went down on my knees to be at the same level as her.

“You have to stop this Clover! You need a time out-“ I got cut off by her running away. More like float upstairs through the ceiling. I huffed right when the front door opened. I got up to greet my husband Niall. I kissed him and he kissed back.

“Where’s Clover?” He asked, hanging his coat up.

“I don’t know. Somewhere in the house.” I answered him. He went to the kitchen and I followed him.

“How was she today?”

“She decided to colour on the walls again.” I huffed. “I wish she wasn’t a ghost or this would be much easier.”

“I know Princess.” Niall said and kissed the top of my head. “There’s nothing we can do about this.” It got silent again.

“Bubba!” Clover exclaimed. Niall smiled and picked her up. He gave her a kiss on her cheek. “Why did you colour on the walls Clove?” Clover frowned and stuck her bottom lip out. He tickled her side making her giggle and not pout anymore.

“Walls aren’t paper silly goose! Next time you colour, do it on paper. Or no more colouring.” Niall explained to her. She giggled and nodded her head. Niall put Clover down and she floated through the ceiling. I smiled.

“Thanks Ni!” I said and kissed his cheek.

“No problem Princess! Now what’s for dinner?” I laughed and started to make dinner for everyone.


There ya go! That is how Clover acts. Pain huh?

Raising Clover *Sequel to The Mansion* DONEWhere stories live. Discover now