Chapter 10

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Louis' POV

I woke up and paniced. Where's Clover? Where am I? I hope they didn't hurt her!

"Calm down boobear." I heard a voice say. I squinted my eyes to see in the dark. I still couldn't see anything. 

"We will be fine, if you listen to them." 

"M- Meaghan?!" I gasped.

NIall's POV

 Im going back home. I dont like this hotel. The bed isn't comfy, the place smells like cat litter, and it hasn't been clean at all in wekks, or who knows how long! I opened the mansion door. Everyone looked at me. 

"What?" I asked. Clover came running to me, and hugged my leg. 

"Uncle Lou got took away like mummy!" Clover exclaimed. I went down and picked up my daughter and carried her on my hip inside. I looked around for Louis, hoping for him to be there, but my wish wasn't granted. Louis wasnt there.

"I am tired of this! What the fuck do they want with them?!" I yelled. 

"Niall!" Taylor scolded for my cussing.

"fuck?" Clover said confused. My eyes widened. Shit.

"No Clove, don't say that word okay? Promise me you won't say that word ever again." 

"Promise bubba!" Clover said and smiled hugging me. "Bubba?" Isat down on the couch beside Tayiam. (Taylor and Liam duh!)

"Yes sweetie?" I asked her.

"Where is mummy?" Just the question i was trying to avoid. But very good question too. 

"Mummy is just, uh." I looked over at Taylor for help. What was I suppose to tell her? I cant tell her the truth! She'd be scared!

"She is just with a couple of friends." Taylor said and smiled. "But she will be home soon."

I hope. 

Raising Clover *Sequel to The Mansion* DONEWhere stories live. Discover now