Chapter 19

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Niall's POV

I put Clover down and she ran back to Taylor. She doesn't need to hear this.

"Meaghan, well, there is no easy way to say this but.."

No! She can't be dead! She just can't be!

"She's in a coma. We're not sure if she's even going to wake." The nurse said.

"C- can we go see her?" I asked. The nurse nodded her head. I booked it to Meaghan's room. I opened the door and my heart broke at what i was seeing. Meaghan was covered with wires connected to her, with bandages. I sat in a chair next to her bed. She looks even smaller. I held her hand which had an IV in it. I choked on a sob and put my head on her bed. I cried and cried.

Taylor's POV

"She's in a coma. We'e not sure if she's even going to wake." The nurse said. My breath hitched as I heard her say that.

"C- can we go see her?" Niall asked. The nurse nodded her head and Niall quickly vanished. I stood, frozen, not able to move. My best friend was in a coma, and might not wake.

"Tay?" I heard Liam asked. I blinked a couple of times, and let tears fall.

"No cry Aunt Taylor!" Clover exclaimed and hugged me.

"Ya, dont cry Tay. Meaghan is going to wake, you know she will." Liam said and joined in on the hug.

Louis' POV

I should've done more to keep her awake. I should've done more than just holding onto her and tell her everything is going to be okay. Everything is not okay. She is in a coma and might not even wake. I followed Niall into Meaghan's room. He sat beside her on a chair and cried. I looked at Meaghan. She seems so small in that hospital bed. She looks so, lifeless. 

Liam's POV

"Tay?" I asked, knowing she was going to break. She blinked a couple of times and let some tears fall.

"No cry Aunt Taylor!" Clover exclaimed hugging her.

"Ya, dont cry Tay. Meaghan is going to wake, you know she will." I agreed with Clover and hugged them both.

Harry's POV

Good god! I hope she wakes up! I know she will. She has too. For Niall, for Clover. For everyone. I can't beleve that one of my best friends is in coma. I followed Niall, Louis and Zayn into Meaghan's room. I looked at Meaghan as Niall sat beside her, crying. I looked over at Louis, and he was deep in thought. I know he blames himself for happened. I hugged him and he hugged back.

Zayn's POV

Everything came in so fast. Meaghan getting kidnapped for 3 days. Louis 2 days. And then getting informed that Meaghan is in a deep coma and might not wake up. Its heartbreaking. I followed Niall, Louis and Harry into Meaghan's room. Everyone looked at her as Niall sat in a chair next to her. It didn't take any longer for Niall to cry. I growled and left the room.

I will find them. And they are going to pay.

Raising Clover *Sequel to The Mansion* DONEWhere stories live. Discover now