Chapter 21

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Niall's POV

I woke up to a very annoying beeping sound. I slowly flutter my eyes open. I scrunched my nose. IV's and other wireing shit were inside my arm. I suddenly remember what i done. I promised myself id never do it again. When Meaghan became my girlfriend and i became human again, i vowed to myself i wont ever do it again. But i did.

"Oh Nialler! you're up!" Liam eclaimed softly. He hugged me and i hugged back. Then a nurse came in and checked on me and Meaghan. "dont do that ever again! you scared the fucking shit out everyone. I even called Louis and Harry. They will be here soon."

"Where did Zayn go?"

"Erm, he'll be back. He went out............ for a walk."

"How's Meaghan? i cant see her with the fucking certian." I asked.

"Stil the same." Liam said sighing and the end. "and no we cant open the certian. Not yet." Now i sighed.

"Can i sleep?" I asked. Liam nodded his head. I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep.

Liam's POV

"Where did Zayn go?" Niall asked me, noticing him not around. I cant tell him the truth! He is already stressed and he doesn't need to know!

"Erm, he'll be back. He went out............ for a walk." I lied. By the look on his face, he bought it.

"How's Meaghan? i cant see her with the fucking certian" He asked. He is so full of questions. I dont blame him though. He needs to be filled in.

"Stil the same." I answered lying again and sighed. "and no we cant open the certian. Not yet" He doesn't need to see the condition she is in now. Worse. He sighed.

"Can i sleep?" I nodded my head and instently he fell back to sleep. I looked around the room for Taylor. She was laying on the couch (it was an old couch at that) sleeping. I smiled. She looks so cute and adorable sleeping!

I looked at Meaghan next. She looks even more smaller and lifeless in the big hospital bed. Her heart stopped 4 hours ago. So the nurses and doctors added more wires and IVs into her. Everyone was worried. Everyone cried. Everyone was just as hurt as Meaghan and Niall.

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