. Knowing Jackson .

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Story: Knowing Jackson

Author: auburnair

Genre: Short Story

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|| REVIEW ||

Title and Cover:

The title suits the plot perfectly. It is short, direct, to the point and apt. Although straight forward, the title intrigues us as well, as to how we will get to know Jackson and most importantly, who is Jackson?

The cover has a certain depth of fragility in itself. It shows two broken individuals comforting each other and caring for each other. It goes well with the story. The font and size is simple and adds a soft touch to it. The quote 'she knew him well' provides us a subtle insight to the story itself.

To tell you the truth, if I am to buy a book in a store and I happen to come across a book with a cover and title like this one, I will definitely pick it up at once.

I will give a 10/10 for this.


It is straight to the point and covers just enough about the story without giving out too much details about the plot. It catches the reader's attention immediately.

This short summary of the story is indeed very short. I may have liked to read a little more about the book there. However, maybe that is the allure. Like you said, 'To know more about Jackson through their letters, read in more.'

Well, I am definitely in for more!

So, 9/10 for this one.


This is the part which turns me speechless.

The plot is entirely different, crisp and interesting. Although the concept of sharing letters may be a little old, the idea of this story is purely new. It is a mix of old classic tales and modern teen romance. From Lucky's health condition to Jackson's loss, everything entices the readers to the very last page. Although, the book is yet to be completed, I bet the plot will continue to surprise and captivate us throughout the story.

The interaction between two young people via letters is indeed dangerously adorable. It is a sweet fairytale of two pen friends infused with the brutality of reality.

Seriously girl, where did you get this idea from?!

10/10 without a second thought. I can even give a +10 bonus for this!


All the characters have been cleverly portrayed. From the two main protagonists to the minor characters like Natheniel and Mrs. Goodsen- everyone full of life and are quite relatable. Your way of defining the characters is very profound and astonishing. The helplessness of the Lucky and Jackson adds a hint of sadness to the story. They are so alike, yet different in so many other aspects.

Their emotions have also been well painted through their words and actions. The subtle behaviors of Lucky, her thoughts, her empathy for Jackson, Jackson's mental state, his outbursts- all of it adds up to make a perfect storyline. Even Lucky's mother is appropriately created.

From the physical appearance to the emotional turmoil of each of the characters, everything shows the author's deft hand at writing.

The job couldn't have been done any better.

10/10. What else did you expect?

Story-telling and Description:

The presentation of every chapter highlights the professionalism and perfection of the author. It is something one would normally expect from only an experienced writer. The paragraphs are well arranged and the content of each chapter is just appropriate to keep the readers hooked. I like how every chapter ends with a dilemma in Lucky's mind created by one of Jackson's letters.

The gradual change in their interactions and content of their letters is well written. The P.S. part in every letter adds a sweet touch.

I love the first person's point of view and how you portray it. Lucky's range of thoughts are remarkable and admirable. Her knack for noticing details around her has been described really well. The dialogues are even well scripted.

However, the length of the chapters could have been a little shorter, considering the genre of the story is Short Story. That is the singular fault that nags me a little.

So, 9/10!

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Girl, I am in love with your words.

Your use of vocab is stupendous. Not just vocabs, certain lines ought to be quoted and highlighted now and then. Your eloquent vocab has been used exceptionally well without being overbearing.

There are not many grammatical errors, just a few type errors here and there. However since the story is yet to be edited, I am sure you can polish up the chapters later.

9/10 there!

All in all, that makes a total of 57/60!

I bet that's a score that is hard to beat!

I bet that's a score that is hard to beat!

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Your story has left me awed and out of words. Keep on writing more. I look forward to it.

It deserves a perfect 60 and a lot of fame and recognition in the near future. Keep up the good work!

P.S.: Please update more frequently. I can't wait for them to meet!

-love, Tris.

-love, Tris

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