• Meaningless Story full of Plot holes and Wtf moments •

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Book: Meaningless story full of plot holes and Wtf moments

Author: another-fangiirl
Genre: Fantasy

|| REVIEW ||

Title and Cover:

The title is new and different. That's a major plus point. It's naturally intriguing and attracts readers. I loved it!

I really couldn't make out the meaning of the cover or relate it with the plot. Hence it actually goes hand in hand with the title. After all it's named 'Meaningless', right? It's pretty and attractive.



The summary is short and to the point. You started well and left things to the reader's imagination. That's a good job. It was an interesting intro to the story.
Just try adding the warning later, after you introduce the story.

So 8/10!


The plot is a novel idea, well part of it. It is a little hard to imagine. Then again, that's the lure of fantasies.

Till now, the plot appears smooth and is depicted pretty well.

However, somehow I feel like you could've added something more to the story.

So 7/10!


There was not much about the characters in the first couple of chapters. However as we moved on further, we saw a glimpse of Juhi and Aarav's personality.

You portrayed it well. However again I feel you could've added more or tried to relate the characters with the readers. Then again you can do that in the later chapters as well.


Description and Storytelling:

The Storytelling is fun. Great job there!
It's suitable for light reading on a Sunday afternoon.

The start and end of each chapter was framed well.

The chapter lengths seemed a little short. Normally, I prefer short chapters, but these had very little content in them.

Although the short chapters keep people hooked, a little descriptions here and there wouldn't have been so bad.

Somehow I felt this story would have better worked in the humour genre although it's a part of fantasy as well.


Grammar and Vocabulary:

There are punctuation and typing errors in the story. Many, I am afraid.

Add commas after your dialogues and avoid silly mistakes.

The vocabulary was simple and the flow of sentences and dialogues were scripted really well.

Hence 7/10 again!

So that makes a total of out 44.5 of 60! Well done!

You just need to edit your chapters a little before you publish them.
Try adding a little descriptions in your chapters here and there.

Polish it up and your story will turn out perfectly well!

Keep writing!

Keep writing!

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