• Red Butterflies •

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Book: Red Butterflies
Author: The_Phantom_Scribe
Genre: Short Story

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Title and Cover:

The title is interesting and mysterious without a doubt. It makes us want to read what the book is all about.

However, it is hard to find its significance with the plot.

One thing you could have done is that mention the definition of the 'butterfly effect' and the symbolism of red butterflies at the beginning of the story.
It would help readers relate and would add a professional touch to the book.

The cover is well planned and looks good. However, it doesn't reach the level of the amazing plot you had woven throughout the book.
It seemed a little dull and the title isn't clearly visible.
However, the effect of the butterfly on the face of the girl was well thought of!

I know they say not to judge a book by it's cover, but they do. So make a little tweaks and make your book attractive!



The summary did a remarkable job of getting us hooked to the story from the very beginning itself.

It was short, crisp and to the point.

Adding the last question was a great job.

There was one grammatical error however:
I think it should be 'writing' instead of 'write' at one place.



The plot is INCREDIBLE!
I loved the way you framed the entire thing. Each and every chapter ended with a cliffhanger.

It is definitely not for the faint-hearted.
It was so spooky that it would make readers look behind their backs while reading. At least that's what I did.

Normally I read 4 chapters when I review a book, but I read ALL of your chapters. I just couldn't let go. I don't think anyone can.

The layout of the story was innovative and impressive.

10/10 without a blink of an eye!


Jessica was one mysterious character.
She would make us constantly question about her with her diary entries.

She was troubled in the worst way imaginable and you did a marvellous job at portraying it.

Even the minor characters were well scripted.

Jacob's character was definitely intriguing!

Amazing job!


Description and Storytelling:

Sometimes, a good plot isn't enough to run the entire story.
You need an art of description and Storytelling.

I have to tell you that you completely mastered and perfected that art!

The diary entries by Jess were skillfully crafted with her emotions and mental turmoil.

The taped interviews and reports were perfect to a T.

The ending of each chapter left people craving for more.

The pace of the story was very well planned.

Marking it as a true story and adding a curse left a spooky touch to it.
Even the epilogue was intriguing and got me on edge.


Grammar and Vocabulary:

There aren't many grammatical errors. However there are some typing errors. You might want to brush up on that later.


If I had to make a little tweaks, I would have changed the last line of the last chapter (before the epilogue). It's a nice touch, but I thought you could have framed it in a better way after reading your previous chapters.

So that makes a total of 57/60!

Personally I am out of words to describe how much I loved this book. It is definitely going to my list of favorites.

Just brush up your book a little and it is bound to ace the charts! Your story deserves a perfect 60/60!

Good luck and keep writing!

Sorry for the delay!I had a very busy schedule last month

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Sorry for the delay!
I had a very busy schedule last month.

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