• Bulletproof Kisses •

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Book: Bulletproof Kisses
Author: Juette_Curtina
Genre: Romance

|| REVIEW ||

Title and Cover:

The title is sweet and romantic. At the same time it's mysterious and raised a lot of questions. The title itself can attract readers. It's perfect.

The cover has a mature and professional outlook to it. The white background and the fonts go really well together. Good choice there.
The quote that you added was a nice touch.

I would definitely pick up this book if I see it in a book store.

9.5/10 there.


The summary is perfect. Finally I found a summary that says just enough. It's interesting and makes me want to read more.

10/10 without a doubt.


At first, the plot seemed a little common, but as I moved on, I happened to be completely hooked.

It's fast moving, intriguing and addictive.

Maria's wistful love and Leon's plan of vengeance makes it all a perfectly blissful read on a Sunday afternoon.

Finally I found a well framed plot after so many days!

Who doesn't love a scandalous romance?

10/10! No questions asked.


Maria seems quite the character. She is mature. Yet she has a fluctuating demeanor when it comes to Leon.

Leon on the other hand seems to be set and firm in his decisions. His vengeful side adds spice to the story.

Hanna is a supportive friend from what I see. She stirs Maria towards the right path.

Sam's character appears a little mysterious since I cannot figure out what's going on in his mind.

So overall, your characters are well described and different in their own aspects. That is in fact, a job well done!


Description and Storytelling:

The descriptions are short, crisp and perfect.

I liked how you portrayed the character's thoughts in the dialogues. That eliminated any monotony in the story. The dialogues were framed very well.

I liked the flow of each chapter. Some scenes were very well crafted. You know how to keep readers hooked with an element of surprise, without revealing too much about the plot.

I liked how you started with a conversation between Marie and Hanna and slowly introduced the plot.

A little description of the surroundings could have been added here and there.

Sometimes the chapters seemed a little long. However, the way you wrote it never made me lose interest.

The endings surely made a mark.


Grammar and Vocabulary:

No major grammatical error that I could spot.
In chapter two, you wrote 'his' instead of 'her' in one para.

However it can be overlooked for now and can be polished up after some editing.

The vocabulary was sufficient and the words flowed well in each chapter.

9/10 there!

So that makes a total of 57 out of 60. Pretty impressive!

Honestly, I loved your story. Keep writing and surprising the readers! :)

 Keep writing and surprising the readers! :)

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