• I'm Still Sadie •

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BOOK: I'm Still Sadie
AUTHOR: Ritanitatita
GENRE: Mystery/Thriller

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Title & Cover:

The title is definitely intriguing and makes us curious at first glance itself.

The cover has the perfect mysterious vibe one would look for while reading the book. So naturally it suits very well with the plot line.

10/10! Nice work!


The summary itself has quite a lot to say. You have got the readers curious with a description like that.

It is short, crisp and to the point. In other words, it is perfect!



The plot is undeniably mysterious and interesting. One would get hooked from the very beginning itself.

It has a great touch of humor. It will work really well under the 'humor' genre as well.

The concept of changing bodies seems fun at the moment, but I am thinking there is going to be more in the latter parts of the book. I feel the plot has been very well planned and very successfully executed.

This book is perfect for light reading on a cozy Sunday afternoon!

9/10! Impressive idea!


Sadie has a humorous personality. The way you described her is pretty intriguing.

I like how you keep her persona intact throughout all the chapters although she is changing bodies.


Description & Storytelling:

Your style of writing is  simple, funny and interesting at the same time.

The pace of the book is perfect! Every chapter has been scripted very well. There is a balance of descriptions, thoughts, dialogues and emotions. Even the title of each chapter was well thought out!

It's a story worth checking out!


Grammar & Vocabulary:

Your vocabulary is light and the chapters are extremely well phrased.

Not many errors were found in this department, but there were a few.

For example, chapter one had a 'their' instead of 'it'.

These errors are really minor and can be removed easily.


Total: 56.5 out of 60!

Pretty impressive!

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Pretty impressive!

The story has a great plot. Make a few more tweaks here and there and it will be ready to ace the charts soon enough.

Keep writing and surprising readers!

Good Luck! ❤

Good Luck! ❤

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