• When She Died •

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Book: When She Died
Author: Sparkline_
Genre: Teen Fiction

|| REVIEW ||

Title and Cover:

The title suits the plot. It creates a sombre mood for the readers. It is genuinely interesting.

The cover is well designed and entails a classic tale by itself.

A little tweaks could have been made here and there to give a little more professional look to it.

8/10! Good job!


The summary is catchy and intriguing. Readers can relate to it easily.
It makes them seek out this book. Hence, nice work.

You need to polish up your grammar and typing errors there though. Trust me, you want your summary to be flawless.

8/10 there!


The plot is tragic, without a question. Your storyline is well created and depicted. It starts with a bomb and has multiple shocks and surprises infused inside it.

Although, it's definitely a fast moving story, the plot still stays strong throughout.

Again, there is however room for improvement.

Somehow, the story seemed to move too fast for me. The plot appears slightly common too.

So 7/10.


The portrayal of characters is indeed remarkable.

Jass, Ted and Natli are quite well developed characters.
However, your lack of enough descriptions leave certain loop holes in them.
Yet you painted their dispositions through their dialogues very well.


Description and Storytelling:

The Storytelling is different.
Unlike every other stories in Wattpad, this one is written in the form of a script.

Mentioning this in the beginning of your story might have helped improve your score here.

Yet, your dialogues hit the nail, when it came to depicting the characters and their stories.

But then again, a little descriptions here and there would have added a little emotion to the story. Your descriptions were a little too short.

So, 6.5/10!

Grammar and Vocabulary:

There are many grammatical errors throughout the story, but nothing that a little editing and polishing up won't fix.

You need to add proper punctuation marks and use proper verbs and correct your tenses.

So, that's a 5/10 unfortunately.

So that makes a total of 42.5 out of 60! That's pretty amazing!

Just have to say that your plot and insights are really good as a writer. The concept of writing your story in script format is a good idea.

Add some descriptions and edit your chapters a little more before publishing.

Remember, you need to make your readers fall in love with the plot.

Good luck and happy writing!

Good luck and happy writing!

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P.S. : Sorry for taking so much time. Had a tough schedule this month.

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