• The Wives •

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Book: The Wives
Author: tranquilstars
Genre: Science Fiction

|| REVIEW ||

Title and Cover:

The title is appropriate for the plot. It is different and interesting. It suits the idea of a Sci-Fi book.

The cover is interesting and attractive as well. However, the title is not really prominent. The font is good. Just change the color if possible.



The summary consists of the attraction of a science fiction. It is short, but provides all the necessary information. It raises general curiosity.

However, you could have framed it a little differently to induce more interest and suspense.

9.5/10 there!


The plot is entirely novel. I am stunned by your thoughts and imaginations.

I like how you combined mythology with normal life and science fiction.

Although I only read the first few chapters, I could tell you without a doubt, that your plot was strong and bold throughout.
I am really curious to know what happens.

I can see a lot of thought was put into the plot.

The quote that you added in the first part was appropriate and intriguing.

10/10! No questions asked.


The characters are extremely well defined. Endure seems like quite a woman with her expressive thoughts and actions.

I like how you named every wife with an adjective. A very classic science fiction touch there.

Each character was introduced well.
The thoughts and dialogues provided great insight to every character.

The development of each character is prominent as we progress and it is, indeed, remarkable.


Description and Storytelling:

Your style of writing is exceptionally intriguing, focused and bold.

Your descriptions were appropriate. The dialogues were well spaced and the thoughts were well pronounced.

The start and end of every chapter was framed with perfection. It spelled professionalism throughout.

You described the bonds between the wives, children and Adam very well.

I could praise you all day about your writing.


Grammar and Vocabulary:

There were no such grammatical errors that caught my eye.
Your writing is simple, with a fluent vocabulary.
It  looks flawless to me.

10/10 again!

That makes a total of 58/60 there!

You are expressive with your pen. Never lose your touch.
You deserve a perfect 60. Just polish up your story and you are good to go.

Your story deserves a lot of appreciation.

Keep writing and surprising your readers.
Good luck!

Good luck!

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