Oso becomes the host

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*Angel is laying on the couch with red puffy eyes and a high fever also wearing a mouth mask*

Choromatsu: *feels my forehead* wow  your temperature is feels hot and your eyes are still red

Angel: The daressss........I *cough*........got to do the first double dare

Choromatsu: No you stay on the couch Karamatsunii-san you got the blanket?

Karamatsu: Yes buraza *put the blanket on me*

Angel: Noooooo Karamatsu I thought you will talk some sense into him

Karamatsu: Hehe sorry darling but for every Karamatsu girls their health comes first

Todomatsu: Angel-chan you already took your allergy medicine and sick medicine so we want you to get better to do this

Jyushimatsu: Yea i'm waiting for my dare about baseball

Ichimatsu: I'm seriously tagging more people here those jerks ignore us again

Angel: Ichi-kun noooooo

Todomatsu: Anyway we have a dare for Choromatsunii-san and a punishment dare for Ichimatsunii-san that gonna be hard to since she sick with some allergic reaction

Angel: *yawns* who gonna take my place now?

*Osomatsu slides the door open fast with a huge grin on his face*

Osomatsu: I WILL DO IT

Choromatsu: Oh no you not this is a really important thing here and I don't want you to mess it up

Osomatsu: Oh come on when have I ever mess something important

Choromatsu: Uhh well-

Osomatsu: Don't say anything about when we were kids and in highschool even with Totoko-chan

Choromatsu: So you do know huh?

Osomatsu: Uhhh well anyway don't worry about a thing Choromatsu I got everything under control and Angel-chan you just stay on the couch and rest

Angel: Yaayy ok don't mess anything up *yawns* I trust you Osomatsu *falls alseeps*

Osomatsu: Ok now i'm really serious cause she put her trust in me

Choromatsu: You wasn't even serious to begin with?

Osomatsu: Ok so first it will be Ichimatsu's punishment

Ichimatsu: Hmm.....now I wonder who ask for that? *turns around and give Karamatsu a death stare with a smirk*

Karamatsu: H-h-h-h-hey bura- I mean Ichimatsu


Choromatsu: Shhhhh Ichimatsu she's sleeping

Osomatsu: Ok ok Totty get her Laptop ready

Todomatsu: Osomatsunii-san it's on the table and it's on YouTube already

Osomatsu: You really prepared for this huh?

Todomatsu: No Angel-chan was

Osomatsu: Hmm is it on Akidearest?

Todomatsu: Yep and the video about weird vocaloid songs is up and ready

Ichimatsu: Huh weird songs I thought it will be something painful or scary

Karamatsu: Dam you Topaz03 he likes pain you know

Osomatsu: Well let's begin

Crazy 1st song

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